Year 2 - March Roadmap

Good about changing et arcade, not a fan of the rest of the roadmap

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Now that is a change I like to see. Although, correct me if I’m wrong, but are t those two unlocks already available? The last one had a brand new item; are these old items that give new players a chance to obtain, or are they new items that just have a similar name?

Wait a minute HWK 21 Covert? That’s the one you unlock in Paris after reaching mastery 20. Why would they make it unlockable again?
Also, they said that even Season 1 ETA will have only 3 targets, but picture shows 5. Something’s not right here…


heyy always love to see more appreciation for Patient Zero! very happy about the contracts update on that


Exactly. Maybe they will do a quick fix?

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Now the one question is : will Jeff be present in the Patient Zero contract mode. He is an easter egg after all.

If yes, I can already see the contracts demanding to use all the items he carries for the elimination methods.


Hot damn, you´re right! @Travis_IOI You guys might wanna double check on that.


in the past, IOI have said they have the tools to go back to older maps and do more things with them (don’t have the specific quote, sorry. it sounded more eloquent than that). so maybe with them recognizing Patient Zero again, we could see them revisiting more older maps…? just a theory

i agree though, overall it is a step in the right direction.


They will be in Freelancer. That will cover all of the maps across the trilogy (if you own them, presumably).


Checking this…

Behind the scenes: I had two tabs open and seem to have updated the wrong one. Updated version live now. Sorry for the hiccup.


Damn, my first reaction was to make a contract to prevent the spread. I am assuming that they are removing the nurse that comes down the stairs and spreads the infection (or less likely, change her AI routine). I wanted to target her to vent some frustrations.

But this is a welcome addition with PZ contracts.

Hopefully April will bring back contracts from the community.

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Yess patient zero contract finally​:sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

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I like the ETA changes and the expansion of Contracts Mode…but I still don’t see any opportunities to unlock the three unavailable Hitman 2 location suits. My poor Suburban Suit has been missing for far too long. :frowning:


It’s not like people aren’t reporting bugs on a daily basis in the Bug Report Thread.


Have they released a season 1 one aswell?

I thought it was just hitman 3 contracts today

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I didn’t meant “mandatory SA and done with a sniper”. I meant optional sniper for 5 stars (if not four), and an ease to SA with it.

I don’t know the minutia of the accident mechanics, but I think you can still loose SA rating if you are seen doing the accident/doing something illegal. I know that if you are seen shooting a gas leak SA is void, even if the target was eliminated in an accident. Maybe the same could be made for a sniper through a complication. You cant be seen, the impact can.

The main reason I wish to see this is because some Elusive Target have telegraphed situations for sniper elimination. Situations that were rarely used because ghey couldn’nt be made SA.

To give a example : the Twins.

During this ET, the twin brothers go to the cafe to have a drink, just in front of the Caruzo Mansion guard tower. At this point the non-target twin goes away to take a phone call, leaving the targeted one alone at the table, a litteral sitting duck.

I want to play those setpieces with the satisfaction of a silent assassin. I think the ETA new formula could be used to celebrate the gameplay design by higlighting it from time to time. To acknowledge some of the least used methods by giving them just the right push from time to time.

I mean we rarely use explosives, unsilenced weapon, and if we do it’s never in a fun way, always in a remote room, two doors away to concel the noise.

Yes it could be broken and easy to exploit. But just for one contract in one mode. All the rest of the game will still stand. The main missions, the contract mode, all the other ETA contracts.

They are released in batch of three, wouldn’t it be great to have two normal, challenging and one fun, whimsical.

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Hehe, I am willing to put my money on all 3 IOI’s FCs will have Jeff as one of the targets! :grin:

Oh, and then there will be required katana and fire axe kills for the Hokkaido one, because he conveniently drops them.


Very happy to see patient zero getting contracts mode :star_struck:


Please make them replace the HWK21 unlock with this pistol :pleading_face:


Is it right for me to be bitter about this new roadmap and these new elusive target arcade tracks. As quite simply, these new arcade tracks suck. I really deeply appreciate the changes made but the elusive targets chosen are still really poor. especially for hitman 2 and 3. And overall i still dont fully like the escalation like concept.

Furthermore the roadmap is just a whole load of nothing, which is to be expected, as probably every member of the liveteam are hard at work on rocky. But it just stings not getting a bugfix patch when the last bugfix patch was in september or a free proper escalation since those haven’t happened since the pasquel consortium and goddamn is the eta making me miss proper escalations.

I think I’ll stick to modding for now.