Yes or No...? 2

Lmao this would have been the last time I would have spoken to them, guarantee you that.


I get a gift from my mother usually but this year only the kids got presents, otherwise it is about meeting family. I also dont like the pressure so we agreed to not gift stuff unless someone has a good idea that the others want to collect money for.

My last months were too expensive to buy gifts. :upside_down_face:


Well said. And it for that reason, what are the main gifts given now? Gift cards or cash, so that the person can go and get the exact thing they want and nobody has to get upset, or put any thought into it anymore.


I’ve always thought that a gift card (or straight cash for that matter) is just another way of saying “I don’t care or know you enough to get you something you like so you go buy your own present and leave me out of it”. They have their places, but as Christmas and/or Birthday gifts for family? No thanks.


What if they don’t know what to ask for and so you give them money or a gift card to buy something at a later date? I’ve always found having stright up mobey for Christmas good instead of getting something i didn’t hugely want and either breaking there hearts or not knowing what to do with it

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Anyone I would buy a gift for I would know well enough to be able to figure out what they would like without having to ask them. The only use I would ever have for a gift card or cash is if I was giving a gift to someone I didn’t know.

I have, on occasion, given someone cash as a gift if they expressly asked for it (like a kid asking if I can pay their utility bill for Christmas instead of a gift) but then got them an actual gift anyway.


I start to feel a little weird after a few months (and/or I see that it will give that award) BUT if I like it enough… :man_shrugging: I’ll like it. Hell, I might even restart a long dead conversation if it inspired that much of a feeling in me.

I’m the same. It often takes me multiple listens of a song to truly get the feel of whether or not I like it (unless I truly dislike it from the beginning which can happen sometimes, if very rarely). I usually don’t get into a new song for a while but I never would have discovered some of my favorites if I didn’t give them those chances. I’m like that for movies and television and books and the like as well; it makes me wonder how many people missed out on how many things just because they didn’t want to give them more than one chance…

My brother is adamantly against this BUT gift cards are really good for this; if you don’t have ideas but know a location the recipient frequents, give them a gift card to it so they can select their own present (with your financial help).

Yeah, lists and requests are fine but there’s no need to be an asshole about it, especially to someone’s face. Just exchange/return it in private like normal people. Jesus.

I used to think this way, and my brother still does (so I don’t give him any), but, as I mentioned above, I’ve come around to thinking how useful and thoughtful they can be. My sister I even ask specifically for them from time to time if we can’t think anything we’d like but someone wants to get us something.


Speaking of, since it came up a bit, how do we feel about the concept of giving and/or receiving gift cards?

  • Yes
  • Maybe, if I had no alternatives
  • I guess, if it was for a Secret Santa or something
  • Under no circumstances, there’s always an option

0 voters

EDIT: I always screw up a poll somehow; I wanted it to show who voted :sweat_smile:


I had to choose “If it was for a secret santa or something” as I’ve already copped to giving them if directly asked for or if I’m giving to someone I don’t know, so I clearly can’t say No outright.

Edit: Done. Change to “No”.


You can say no if you want; you were in my head when I wrote that one anyway (because I just read it literally seconds before) :joy:


I much prefer gift cards if I have to give gifts. I don’t always know what people want or need so a gift card is a nice way of saying, “I don’t know what exactly you need/want but I still care enough to give you something, so here’s some money, buy yourself something nice.”


Gift cards are all well and good but since you can only use them at specific stores, I think cash is the better option.



Cash is good too! I don’t mind receiving money.


Visa Gift cards are a thing. They can be used anywhere Visa is accepted. Those are the kinds I get when I gift, gift cards.


Which is in most stores, key word being Most. :slightly_smiling_face:


My brother explicitly asked for a Roblox gift card (birthday in a month), or at least I wish that’s the way you buy Robux and other stuff without direct payment.


I may be wrong but I believe surprise gift of that product to someone very close is the best gift than cash/gift cards. :gift: Wrapping it as present will double the surprise. You remember the person with that product (be it small or big). However good research and study is required.

I gifted my cousin “Detroit Become Human” game disc on his birthday as a surprise after spying all his games in the shelves. Later I found he already has the online version of this game (and I was always offline that time). Poor research and a blooper from my side :crazy_face:.

It happens, we receive multiple non-edible gift of the same kind. I got 3 toaster on my marriage day from guests and two of them are still unused in the store room. Gifts as chocolate/sweets are the safer side but they goes in and gets digested and forgotten by few people :chocolate_bar:

And cash is the wise option for not so close or formal ones, as we can combine multiple cash gifts to buy a bigger useful gift, but some people feels the amount as offending and tries to repay the same amount to you.Hence we remove the price from the product gifts.
We put cash in an envelope and present but that is too formal and doesnot have that surprise vibe. Gift cards are only limited to that store/website as mentioned in previous posts. :red_gift_envelope:


Speaking of X-Mas… And before it’s way too late (like by tomorrow)

If you didn’t have a specific item you were wanting as a present and the gift you got was any of these… which would you prefer?

  • An article of clothing
  • A seasonal food item that’s typically available during the Holidays
  • A Gift Card from a place I like to shop or eat, or Cash
  • Something to decorate my house (a painting, vase, figurine, knick-knack, etc.)
  • Something to keep me busy (book, puzzle, craft project, board game, video game, etc.)
  • Something for the kitchen
  • Something for the bath/shower
  • Something for my automobile (or other form of transportation)
  • Hygiene or personal grooming related products
  • Other (comment below)

0 voters


I’ve been giving books to anyone I’m supposed to give a gift to since I was like 8 or 9. Others, based on an unwritten pact, give me books as well (most of the times if not all…)