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Because they suck. They suck as much as Absolution and that is (barely) canon.

BC the rights got sold and that was it. There wasn’t this preconceived notion about trying to make it all fit together.

They’re fucking terrible?

This is not a man who would smugly tell a woman he knows she’s not wearing any underwear



the virgin game 47 vs the chad movie 47

Did you feel like just the worst human being after writing that up?

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Oh hey @Sean why did you name yourself just Sean instead of Sean 2 or Sean Lite?

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No, i never feel like I’m @Accidental_Kills98, that would be weird. also, is the 98 referring to your year of birth?

I am going to blame myself for setting that up but I blame you for taking the most obvious comeback. @Sean has better insults and he is Canadian!

Yes, what you thinking it was a kill count?

to my defense: its 8:29 AM in Germany and I just woke up, so excuse me for being not witty enough.

Could have been a Chiffre, a Random Number, or because @Accidental_Kills1 up to @Accidental_Kills97 was already taken.

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That is a lot of accidental kills but yeah it is my birthyear. My name right now is a greeting but I intend on changing it to…

His Excellency, Prime Minister for Life, Five Star General, Supreme Dudeist Doctor Johnny Awesome, VC, DSO, MC, CBE, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Oceania in General and Australia and Tahiti in Particular and King of All Scots. (Quite the well rounded figure I am sure)

Because I didn’t think they were clever.

Definitely not because they never entered my mind.

Not that.



so basically Idi Amin for short?

i’d assume (and i could be waaaay off here) that j_doe is the name of the new identity/fake death programme haven provides. jane/john doe is the name given to unidentified bodies. the names seem to all belong to current and former providence members, so maybe it’s provided to everyone?

No for short call me Johnny Awesome.

will you be watching the new gameplay trailer before H3 releases?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I already watched :stuck_out_tongue:

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was there anything there that would potentially spoil part of the game?

No, absolutely nothing as for my taste


Spoiler alert but you find out that 47 is playable.


What is your best thing in your hitman games?