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Is someone able to help me with making a few videoclips?

I’m busy making a video on the politician elusive target and I need a few more atmospheric videoclips to add in between. Since I already completed the thing I’m no longer able to do so myself. :face_with_head_bandage:

If someone wants to help, I will credit you in the video!

Hello everyone. I can’t find “Guess the mission” thread and my replies to that thread at the “Activity” page are gone too. Was it removed? Haven’t visited the forum for a while so I must have missed something.


I don’t see it either. We’ve had a couple of users delete their accounts, so if it was created by one of them, it’s inaccessible.


IIRC it was created by @SA_But_Everyone_Died. His account is deleted.


Should we bring back Guess the mission?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Too many forum games
  • Too Much forum games

0 voters

In case it’s unclear many is still countable while much is uncountable.

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@Urben Where does your profile picture come from?

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From the Batman comic “The Killing Joke” which features Red Hood, the temporal identity of the guy who turns into the Joker shortly after. Although I colored my version green, not red.

You can surely find the comic online to read. :slight_smile:


So, I recently installed Absolution, and I keep getting the “scroll to zoom” and “hold Shift to steady” hints whenever I use the sniper scope, despite turning hints off in the Options. Does anyone know how to get rid of this? :sweat_smile:


Have you tried uninstalling the game? It gets rid of the hints, but unfortunately get’s rid of the game also. Actually disabling the hint’s in Absolution doesn’t disable all of them only the more how to play the game on a basic level hints get disabled.


Yeah I was expecting this kind of response :grin: I don´t hold Absolution in such low regard to resort to such extreme measures though :wink:

Well that´s a(nother) rubbish design decision…


@IndianAgent47 Are you doing alright man? Hope you’re able to keep safe at the moment.


Hey, its all good :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: it is a little scary though, everyone’s getting the virus and so many have lost their lives, all because of a religious gathering hosted and promoted by govt itself and they in response are playing their dirty politics as usual. The worst is a state called Uttar Pradesh where the chief minister dude has some sort of a order established to sieze property of and detain the people who are asking for oxygen, help or documenting whats happening on social media. What’s completely heart breaking is a video uploaded recently where a girl whose father died is screaming at the said cm and daring him to arrest her. It’s terrible

My dad had a real low heart rate recently and that honestly scared the shit out of mom and my sister. They had to go to a doctor(fully prepared with masks of course) in the middle of all this and thankfully it was some sort of a temporary illness or something which is curable by meds which my dad is taking, and besides he and mom have taken the first dose of the vaccine so the chances of uh, well, damage are low, thankfully. My dad was being a real funny dude the entire time tho, going ‘looks like my time has come’ and then laughing shitless after seeing me and my moms reaction. :expressionless:

And I’m wondering how the hell they’re gonna take the law exam which I wanna give now. It’s supposed to happen in June and they say they’ll give a new date during the first week of May but whats problematic is that it’ll be held offline that is using a OMR sheet, which is really tricky cause it takes time to fill and you can’t erase or change your answer. Its weird because last year it was online and that was genuinely pretty cool and all I’ve been practicing the past few months.
Talking about the exam, so many stories have emerged of people who lost their loved ones recently and one was about a person my age who’s dad died 2 hours from his exam, and he had to log in and actually give it. Its just so sad and heartbreaking, may all who died rest in peace. And all this time the fucking pm is boasting about having huge people in his shitty election rallies and how they’re gonna win in a recent state election, well you piece of shit don’t you see what’s happening? The only hope is that they get kicked out in the next election in 2024(jeez we’ll be finished by then) and I’ll vote too, cause now I’m 18

Well, in conclusion, you can say it’s not all good like I said I the opening of the post, after all. :cry:


I’m sorry to hear that man, but at the very least it sounds like you and your family are safe and are taking the neccesary steps to keep yourselves safe. I know it might seem like hollow words but this situation will end eventually, you just need to persevere until things can improve. I hope your law exam, whenever or however it winds up happening goes well, and I hope you keep well.


Has anyone heard of @Spods recently? He was rather active, but then disappeared. Hope he’s ok.


I’ve seen in a lot of videos, people open their inventory just before exiting a mission. What’s the point of that, just to shave off half a second?

How does that activate the exit faster than a button hold? (And how does one do this?)


It completely skips the need to hold down the button, it might seem trivial but it’s the difference between night and day when it comes to speedruns and such. It’s also commonly used for picking up items instantly on console, instead of having to stop and hold down one of the controller buttons.

It has another use or two methinks but that’s the gist of it, performing all actions instantly. You have to open the inventory, and then press the interaction button (G on PC) right before exiting the inventory. On console if you press the button too soon you’ll drop something, you get used to pulling it off successfully though.


When the evacuation takes place in Dubai, are the guards that tag along chosen by proximity or are they a fixed set?
Either way, I think I have a contract idea.

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Yesterday I witnessed a proximity escort of a few guards, but I can’t affirm all the guards are proximated.
I guess “starting” escort is formed by the closest plus personal guards


Is there any pattern in the numbers used for contract IDs? And the first number is at last 3, right?


The first digit is the device, PC and Stadia is 1, PS is 2 and Xbox is 3.
The next two digits are the mission, with 01 being the Final Test and 31 being Mendoza
Then there are 7 random digits,
Finally there are two digits which appear at the end of every contract by that user.

For example, if I personally was to make a contract in Mendoza it would be something like 3-31-1234567-02