Ask HMF anything

Yeap. You got me. I love Just Dance just as much as most games. I also play Mario Kart Tour, Minecraft, all of the Forza Horizon and some of the Motorsport games. I don’t really make videos, but I still comment. Am pretty happy to get noticed. Hitman was definitely not the first game for me, that actually started in December last year… almost a year now. :grin:


@Urben I remember a thread which I can’t find, where someone asked for more stickers that are hitman related. You said it is possible if we provide some, so I “borrowed” some from Notex’s server :stuck_out_tongue:

:2d_duck_green::2d_duck_purple: :2d_duck_orange:
:PeepoThink: :RoccoPog: :SodersStare: :TheCoolestNabeel: :Wut: :abrakHelicopter: :bruh: :bruhple: :cursed47: :dripDuck: :duck~1: :duck_classy: :duck_confused: :duck_devil: :duck_evil: :duck_executive: :duck_mk2: :duck_red: :duck_red_mk2: :duck_sunset: :duck_weird: :duck_white: :embossedbruh: :gigachad47_L: :gigachad47_R: :glonk_47~1: :hakan: :ioiMoment: :kevin: :mkII~1: :mkIII~1: :mkIIWorn: :rocco: :roccoCringe: :roccoCringeC::roccoSmile::roccoThink::sweat~1:


You probably look for this one: Request: HITMAN related emojis


(upload://7n5Oa0SBG2bK23rcAx06rtxP7b5.png) ![:TheCoolestNabeel:]

I like this one :slight_smile:

@Clemens_IOI @Travis_IOI

I’ve been wondering for years now about this, maybe you can answer this question.

There are a lot of differences in the Names of the Characters who Appear in Codename 47/Contracts/Blood Money.

Like Lei Ling became Mei Ling, Frantz Fuchs became Franz Fuchs, Arkadij “Boris” Jegorov became Boris Ivanovich Deruzka and the Targets from Hunter and Hunted became Richard Delahunt and Alvaro D’Alvade.

Are those deliberate Changes, to subtle imply 47s fever dreams have impacted his Memory (like the Ghost in Traditions of the Trade) , or are those just simply continuity mistakes?

I need clarity on this, after all those years :sweat_smile:


Wasn’t Richard Delahunt always Richard Delahunt? And I always thought Alvaro D’Alvade was just a stage name.

I can agree with the rest though, even if I think Arkadij “Boris Ivanovich Deruzka” Jegorov can make a pretty cool alternative (so do 5 other people).


@Clemens_IOI @Travis_IOI there is a minor issue with IOI’s website. In the last page of news, For some reason, After the oldest piece of news, The Dartmoor reveal pops up dated 2000. Either this an small bug or you guys were thinking of Dartmoor since the production of Codename47 :))), Thought you guys might want to know about it.


Damn, nice find! @Travis_IOI stop teasing us and just announce the Codename 47 Remaster officially :stuck_out_tongue:


is the rival’s face in the envy contention escalation something new, or did they just reuse a random bald guy? he seems kind of familiar, aside from being a vague lookalike to agent 47, of course. perhaps this is a question for @DrMekar :thinking:


Reused. That’s Arthur or head_caucasian_30s_02. He was featured a ton in H2 and in H3 he was in Dubai, Chongqing, Mendoza and Romania.


Can someone explain to me the trick to get NPCs to follow you by leaving a gun on the ground? How does it work, when does it not work, what are the limitations, etc,. I’ve seen some videos showing it and I want to learn how to use it on the off-chance that we get the Undying, and more relevantly, the Undying Returns ETs in H3. If we do, and I’ve learned to master this trick, I’ll be able to pull off something truly special.


ah, thanks for the clarification. had a feeling


If I have everything correct, you need to :

  • place a weapon on the ground without being seen by the target (or anyone else)
  • the target sees the weapon
  • you must not been seen or too close to the weapon when they see the weapon
  • because of that the target will approach the weapon, have a “hm” moment and turn around to alert a guard
  • pick the weapon between the “hm” and the turn around
  • you must be seen by the target while picking the weapon
  • the target will follow you

If the target sees you place the weapon or sees you next to the weapon they will just react with a “hey don’t drop things”, “not funny” or “don’t just stand here” bark (even more if you are in a guard disguise) and it will break the setup.
They need to react with just the weapon and other guards in their AI mind.


And do the guards ever follow them?

1 Like

It only works with non-guard NPCs (as far as I know).

I’d add (well, it’s probably obvious) to put the gun away or switch to another item in your inventory to quickly put away whatever illegal item.

This ‘weapon report/chase exploit’ can also be combined with switching to another disguise to lead them to the disguise they seen you pick the weapon up with.

Let’s say a target NPC sees you (you’re disguised as a waiter and you) pick up a car bomb, you pull off the trick and now they’re following you. At this point you can get a good ways ahead of them, use shortcuts that normal NPCs can’t navigate like ladders, etc. Now you can go to and change into another disguise you might have laying wherever. Now the target will go to the waiter disguise they started following you in. While you could’ve doubled back to a higher vantage point and, say, kill them with a sniper rifle.


Bodyguards follow, regular guards dont


All excellent bits of info for me to use, thank you all. If the Undying truly does Return, he’s gonna be royally fucked.


I came up with another NPC Model Idea for my Winterbottom Set inspired by the Hantu Port Dockworkers, so I’m defenitly and finally going to do Philip and Takewaki for those, so since I already have used most of my Male Asian Heads quite alot, I’d like to do one more, so which one should it be addionaly?

Probably gonna do all of them someday, but only one of them now.


I would take Kaname Konishi, because then you have three different types and I like that! One young one, someone more mature and Konishi being more traditional :relaxed:

Edit: Takewaki is really attractive though :see_no_evil: is he only in Hantu Port or somewhere else? Asking for a friend :sweat_smile:


He’s almost anywhere after that. Starting from New York, he should be everywhere but in Romania. In Berlin he’s only visible undressed, since he used for a Barkeeper.