BERLIN, Germany (Mission #3) - Location Discussion

People I think this is getting out of hand, back to discussing Hitman and away from German music. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Alright back to topic:

Berlin Mission takes Place in a abandoned Nuclear Power Plant, do you think there will be an Easter Egg where we blow up the Plant?

Codename 47, Contracts and Absolution had Cutscenes for triggering an Atomic Bomb so…


Why not use both as a single name? Fritz Franz. Sounds similar to Frantz Fuchs.
They used both firsts names as first and last name in Mumbai. They can be consistent.

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Done, I also included a few of “Please can we move it to another thread posts”

I would like to take this opportunity to remind people the forum has functionality where you can create an offshoot thread of a topic, you hit reply this you tape the icon:


Thank you for your cooperation.


I wonder what kind of murders can take place in a Nightclub. I remember seeing a game about murdering party animals, and you could blow up speakers, but you problem won’t be able to do that in Hitman xP

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I know which game you speaking of. And the fact ,that in the game you are playing as a serial killer, who knows. IO might take some ideas from the game. If anyone is curious, the game is called Party Hard. I believe he meant that game.

I surprising number of Hitman missions seem to involve club scenes.

Weird club scenes… like club scenes in a meat packing plant, club scenes in the only three bars open on (a circular) Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras, night clubs that are giant titty bars with tiny VIP areas, night clubs in corporate towers with clubs in the basement, and the penthouse and… nothing else in between.

I’m kind of hoping this one might involve glowsticks somehow…


I love neon glow stick asstetics, I know we have seen the asstetics of the outside of the building but the inside might be a bit different, I hope at least :3

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Lots of drinks to poison, maybe a car bomb that can be planted on the targets car, the bathroom kills (although crowded in the clubs), cozy VIP areas that allow you a moment alone with the target, drugs to spike, disco balls or lighting rigs to fall, all the usual fun.


Fireshows to rig that make the target fall into an huge aquarium to then be eaten by a shark. You know, the usual. Hahahaha…


Are you referring to the Vixen Club? Because i dont think it is oversized, in fact theres a similar… Établissment… in my Hometown which has roughly the same size.

I also liked the Design of the Vixen Club and the Soundtrack is really, really good.

Edit: or was the “giant” Part of “giant Titty”? :sweat_smile:


Giant stage on one end and a giant bar on the other… what’s not to like about that?

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Party Hard .

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It’s less the overall footprint and more that for a club which can have hundreds of guests on the floor, it only has two private dance booths, and spends a massive amount of it on back rooms and areas not useful for making money.

Generally speaking most strip bars are heavily focused on making money though a few different ways:

  • Cover charges
  • Private dances
  • Stage tips
  • Drinks for guests
  • Drinks bought for girls

Now obviously Dom has other sources of income too, but generally for a club his size I’d expect a private dance area the size of the main stage + bar. - but he’s got a lot of footprint there that I would expect to be for private dances, since that’s where usually the talent earns their core income. (though obviously this runs into problems with content regulations etc, as well as not being a very good video game level so I understand why his strip bar is weird - but it’s still weird)

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I forgot there was only 2 or 3 private dance stalls. No private rooms for small groups at all. That is unusual. The large amount of “back of the house” area I just assumed was for gameplay purposes.

How do you know so much about strip joints anyway? :joy:

Amongst other reasons: I have a lot of friends who’ve worked on stage in them.

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hmm, yes i see your points, and yes its a Videogame after all. i just think its one of Absolutions more believable Locations :smile:

i especially like the Pink/Black Floor on the Entrance! :smile:

Edit: Funfact, the Motion capturing for the Dancers were done by the then Poledance Champion of Copenhagen or Denmark, I’ve read this in an interview before the Game came out.

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I also keep looking at the street art and hoping that’ll play some part in the various activities available… maybe we’ll find out if 47 is as good a tagger as he is drummer.


Maybe the Insignia as Tag? Would be a nice Easter Egg at least :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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maybe there will be a operational nuclear reactor in the abandoned nuclear power plant.

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