Everything Star Wars v2

I’m just in the group that grew up with the prequels and clone wars that seeing my generation of Star Wars getting the love that OT fans have been getting with Mando and Boba it’s just exciting stuff. Seeing Ewan and Hayden on screen again is everything prequel fans have been wanting for awhile.


I’ve noticed that with these high profile series there are always questions about multiple seasons or extra episodes even before the show comes out. Moon Knight had questions about season 2 prior to episode 1 being available. I prefer to wait and see how the show goes before I start worrying about extra episodes or additional seasons. If the show wraps up well and there aren’t any loose ends, it may not need an additional season or more episodes.

That isn’t to say I wouldn’t personally want more content, but the story should dictate that, not the fan reaction. So far I’m liking the show though. The latest episode featured the start of the rematch between Vader and Obi-Wan. I’m looking forward to Obi-Wan reconnecting with the Force as it is inevitable he will do so prior to the show ending. He has to re-establish that connection to A) get to where he is at the start of New Hope, B) win his next duel with Vader, and C) connect with Qui-Gonn, which is now also inevitable as much as they’ve highlighted him trying. Exciting stuff so far!

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I think the 7 8 9 10 implied the first season was shot as 10 not 6 and they just hid the total amount from us. All for it wrapping up and them moving on though. I want to know how obiwan gets that sweet little house and then I’m content to think he just does nothing for a decade until he is called upon.

Just saw Kenobi episode 4. It was fun but I’m officially tired of the current story. It’s time for Princess Leia to go back to her parents and the story to morph from the continuous rescue of Leia into a hide and seek of Kenobi and a few battles and I’m sure Rupert Friend coming back will be chaotic on the empire side of things. . Sadly I think we will get more of the same. Which will still be fun and could be done well (I hope), it’s just not what I wanted.

I’m also half hoping we get to see some Tarkin and maybe get some explanation as to why Vader seems to be subordinate to him in IV. I thought Tarkin was one of the only one who’s knew who Vader really was but I am no expert and clearly at least some inquisitors know.

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In Canon very few people actually knew Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker.

Darth Vader kept his former identity under wraps and usually people who knew or figured out who he was usually were killed only if Vader knew that the said individual knew the truth.

Grand Moff Tarkin deduced that Vader was Anakin and kept that information to himself.

People claim the Inquisitors know Vader is Anakin, but nothing supports it outside of Reva knowing.

The general belief in Universe is during order 66 Padme died and cause of that Anakin vanished.

The full known list of people who know Vader is Anakin is the following.

  • Palpatine
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Luke
  • Han
  • Leia
  • R2-D2 (Never had their memory wiped unlike C-3PO)
  • Yoda
  • Ashoka
  • Tarkin
  • Thrawn
  • Jocasta Nu
  • Ferren Barr
  • Verla
  • Reva

People Who Might Know

  • Darth Maul
  • Bail Organa

In one of the audio books Darth Vader visits the Palace of Alderaan and meets Bail Organa, who suspects that he is Skywalker, so he tells his wife to hide with Baby Leia and the Droids.

I’m not sure if its canon tho


You’re right. In Bloodlines before Bails death he recorded a message to Leia.


Tarkin knows Vader is Anakin, at least in A New Hope. Vader casually refers to Obi-Wan as his old master in this conversation with Tarkin.


Not that it would actually make any difference, but in Rise of Skywalker (thanks @Swangtheugly ), when R2-D2 restored 3PO’s memory, did he restore any of the stuff that was wiped from Episodes 1-3 as well, presumably including the knowledge that Anakin created 3PO and then became Vader? There’s nothing in the movie to suggest it other than R2 kept a backup of 3PO’s memory, but if there’s a novelization or other canon sources beyond the film, I wouldn’t know about them.

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It wouldn’t be til the end of Rise of Skywalker where R2 D2 restores C-3PO’s memory.

C-3PO had is memory wiped a total of three times. During the Clone Wars, after the Prequels, and during Rise of Skywalker.

Unfortunately it’s not known the extent of how much was restored by R2D2 but people think it’s the entirety of the Saga.

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All good info. Thanks guys.

I hope they explain how Reva knows and if the others know or do not know.

You’re right of course. I’ve edited the original comment to note that.

It would be “nice” I think for 3PO to get his full memories back, going all the way back to his creation. By time of Rise of Skywalker, knowing about the formation of the Empire, who Darth Vader really was, who the Emperor was, the fall of the Jedi, etc., wouldn’t be anything more than a historical footnote anyway.

My thoughts so far on Obi-Wan Kenobi series.

Episode 1 is great. It’s a nice and defined rhyme of Luke in TLJ. Kenobi is struggling with a lot of the same issues as Obi-Wan. A man who buried his past in the sands of Tatooine. The overall episode is a great reintroduction to the character.

Episode 2 is good, not as great as ep.1. But the dynamic between Leia and Obi-Wan is great. Here is prequel persona shines through the cracks of a broken man.

Episode 3 is great and some of the best Vader action to date. A scene that rivals the Rogue One hallway scene as well as the multiple Vader appearances from Rebels. Vader is an unstoppable force.

Episode 4 has as many things in it I love as I dislike. Vader is great, homage to New Hope is great, Obi-Wan regaining his balance and doing his iconic prequel Lightsaber swirl, Tala out ranking other Imperial officers. Things I dislike, the interrogation going in a loop that is basically arguing with a stubborn child. Reva’s not subtle for shadowing change of heart before the season is over, Tala openly guiding Obi-Wan while surrounded by other Imperials who notice and deciding not really to bother. The “two kids in a trenchcoat” disguise and The Rebel who won’t help Obi-Wan until 30 seconds later where he changes his mind without anyone trying to convince him.

It’s a great show, sadly ep.4 was messy.

Neither Tarkin or Thrawn knows, they suspect that they are the same. But they never outright confirms their suspicion.

Obi Wan will premiere in select theaters once Part VI is released next week.

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Part V of Obi Wan is good. Best episode in the series as of now.


Oh that’s good to hear. Haven’t seen 5 yet. Super excited.

Agree. Loved the flashbacks to pre-Vader Anakin and Obi-Wan dueling. That last shot of Luke is going to be an interesting resolve in the last episode!

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Ahhhhh!! I accidentally clicked on the spoiler tag and as I was doing so realised it would be about the new episode I haven’t seen. Thankfully I can just pull my phone away from my face and then I can’t see anything without my glasses.

Wow that was close :joy:
I’ll give you a like for making me laugh at myself.

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I did the thing! I even did it right! Your fault, your fault! :wink:

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Oh yea 100% my fault. Thankfully I didn’t see anything. If my phone isn’t 8 inches in front of my face then I can’t read anything on it.