Everything Star Wars v2

Not only Obi-Wan’s and Anakin’s actors are back, but Owen and Beru (from Attack of the Clones) are here too.


This is must be the single Star Wars project I’m interested in right now :roll_eyes:

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I’m still more pumped for the Casian Andor series but this also looks amazing. I love that Hayden Christiansen is back.

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I wonder who this Hayden guy is playing. Glad to see Joel back as Owen he had a good role in episode lll.

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I have to assume he’s playing Aniken ?

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It’s confirmed that he will be inside the Darth Vader suit, there will likely also be some flashbacks scenes.


Is anyone interested in playing Star Wars Galaxies again? I loved this game back in the day and I recently discovered that there are still fan servers up, so i immediately jumped on ebay and got me a copy, should arrive soon and i want to check that out.

@Norseman what about you?

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I have never really played Galaxies, the game came out at a time where I wasn’t really interested in MMOs. It was first in 2004 where the MMO fever got hold of me and it was World of Warcraft that drew me in, at that point there wasn’t really room to play other MMOs.

The first SW MMO I played was The Old Republic and it was much later I learned that there had existed a SW MMO before SWTOR.

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I’m very interested in seeing how this plays out. While clone wars has ended it is essentially more clone wars.



May 4th



Yes it does.


Can’t wait for July Sixth Park :eyes::t_rex:

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Finished the first episode of The Bad Batch.

I think this was the best step for expanding upon The Clone Wars without really continuing The Clone Wars. Of course the beginning shows more perspective on Order 66 which is interesting since Clone Force 99 inhibitor Chips don’t work due to their unique neurological developments since they aren’t ordinary clones.

I can’t stress the fact that Dave Filoni and Jon Faverou have a understanding of the brand and its story telling. It’s stuff that I like personally seeing in regards to Star Wars since while Jedi and things like the Force are cool, but there are things beyond that, that are equally as interesting and expand the universe in ways we haven’t seen yet.

While Clone Wars is over I’m glad new series come out of it such as this one. I’m interested to see how this might play into OT and Rebels as the series progresses, but with that being said and done I look forward to what’s to come.

By the way if Sideshow Collectibles makes Hunter as a figurine I’m definitely buying one.




Apparently Boba Fetts Starship got renamed from Slave 1 to… Well, “Boba Fetts Starship”. :joy: What an outstanding move.

I wonder how Disney will call it in the new Boba Fett Series they’ve announced.


Well it’s still Slave 1 in universe, nothing changed other then the box name :slight_smile:


Okay, thats good to hear. They’ve renamed Slave Leia to Huttslayer Leia pretty cool actually and then never did anything with it.

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So this is why they discontinued the 20th Anniversary Slave One. This replaces arguably the best version of the ship in lego form with new features such as

  • Less Detailed Design

  • Lower Piece count for Premium Prices

  • A New Boba Minifigure Design

  • Less Minifigures

20th Anniversary Slave One reigns supreme.
