Freelancer - General Discussion

Currently working my way through weapon collecting. Does anyone have any tips on weapon locations in map please, I currently know of the below;

Tanto in Hokkaido - Replaces katana from main mission
Burial dagger in New York - deposit box
Sappers Axe in Mendoza (Hitmaps)

If anyone can advise of any others that would be appreciated :sweat_smile:

Do dart guns count as firearms for the “SA-no firearm” objective?

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So far it appears to be an “it depends”

Specifically: if your shot misses the target or hits a crowd AI (killing them) you fail.

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Yes, dart gun is counted as a firearm in this objective.

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mm, some people said it doesnt count. Unfortunately I couldnt test it out at this time as I blew up SA

Someone tested it. It only fails you if you miss or hit a crowd AI

Thank you this is perfect

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Tested with the emetic gun and SA and it didn’t count. I think it would be fair to never count since it’s not technically a firearm.

When you get the normal objective that says “No Firearms”, the dart guns will cause it to fail. It’s only the Prestige Objective that is tied to SA where they are fine to use for some reason.

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“Oh nice, let’s see what this new stock market feature does”.


I just found out that poison kill void “No Bodies Found” objective. Not sure about accident kill but I think it’s the same.

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Last mission of the last syndicate. Killed the wrong target. Did smoke, did drink, had all the visible clues. Forget to check if she actually attended a secret meeting. Failed and lost the whole progress. Have to start from the beginning. It’s my own damn fault but it still hurts.


Mmmhhh, no good imho. If the poison kill is still an accident it dosn’t make sense that NBF fails.

All disguises can be used only once to reset the timer as it says there, it would have been even more impossible (had I not just gotten lucky and blasted the right target, but in hardcore mode you can’t afford getting shot at).

When you get the kill guards objective and spawn at this underutilised secluded area :smiling_imp:

Objective complete


No Bodies Found means No Bodies Found, no matter if its an accident, poison, or otherwise


You keep the guns when you leave the level early. You can even gain a new one as long as it’s in your pocket when you exit the level. As others have pointed out you must actually leave the mission and go back to the safe house. Using pause and exit option counts the same as if you got shot to pieces.

If you play SASO and kill target with poison you don’t care about NBF option because is an accident kill. It’s implicit that the NBF option is connected to a NON accident kill.