Guess the Hitman mission, Emoji edition ๐ŸŒ

:full_moon: :dog: :sleeping_bed: :newspaper:

Ignore the emoji name of the last one.

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Beldingford manor? dunno about nightime missions with a bed and dogs.
(why a newspaper?)


Yes, it is Beldingford Manor. The newspaper is meant to resemble a contract, to tease what game the level is in. As I said ignore the name of the newspaper emoji.

i would have never guessed, only Blood Money with the newspapers.

:small_airplane: :bomb: :palm_tree:

(last emoji makes it easy to guess)

Is it the haven island mission ?


20 character limit

I was going to say sapienza but the palm tree emoji is making me think otherwise.

Say Hello To My Little Friend.

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Yes, well done


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Thank you. Here goes:

:man_scientist: :mechanical_arm:

Itโ€™s probably very easy.

Solid Snake in metal gear V

wait wrong game

(itโ€™s Hokkaido isnโ€™t it)

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Not Hokkaido, I did not see that coming.

robotic arm, thatโ€™s one of the main things in Hokkaido

Probably one of the Absolution mission, the one where you have 3 doctors to kill

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It is indeed. Though it isnโ€™t in one of those Absolution missions either.

idk then, Scientist and robot arm is not something i can remember.


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Closer though it is not Sapienza, sorry.

Chongquin perhaps? no robotic arm but has robot and scientist

(which just made me realize they re cycled the undeground lab for sapienza, very original IOI)

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Not Chongqing :slight_smile:

I know for certain a lot of people will have gone by the scientist and robot arm though.

Haven island?

(LMFAO also a secret lab)

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It is not Haven.
