HITMAN 3 Year 2 - September Roadmap

The angel Gabriel, has arrived in Sapienza…


Biblically accurate 47


spaghetti angel gabriel


Diana 2:1-12

47 was born in Satu Mare in Romania when Ort-Meyer was owner. After 47’ birth, the fathers from the west arrived in Romania. They asked, “Where is the one who was born to be the greatest of the assassins? We saw his barcode appearing and have come to worship him.”


me mocking the bible be like

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First ET arcade was alright, The Rage didn’t really excite me as we’ve had multiple times, poisoned the coke and got him out of the way. Looking forward to the featured contracts the most.

What’s happened to Escalations? I presume these have been superseded by the ET arcade, shame though as it would be nice to have one chucked in every now and then.


That’s just exaggerating; it’s certainly not the worst i’ve seen. I get why LU is popular, but I don’t think the vanilla lighting is nearly as bad as people make it out to be. It still looks fine, and it only looks bad by comparison to LU.

Except Marrakesh and Dartmoor. God those look bad.


Non-7DS Escalations haven’t come out since mid-ish-2021. And that’s because y’all complained too much that you don’t like them, so what incentive is there for IOI to make more free ones? This community can’t have it both ways, you know.


Who cares about stealth when you can blind everyone to death?!? :rofl:


I for one really enjoyed the tailored (if linear) experiences the H3 Escalations gave us before 7DS took over and then they died out.

Im with you in wanting them back


Agree. IOI finally figured out how to make escalations good. The Hitman 3 escalations were so much better than the earlier ones which were just “do the same thing 3 or 5 times”.


honestly theres not enough escalations


When Ort-Meyer and all the clones heard about this, they became disturbed. He called together all the chief scientists and stenographers, and tried to find out from them where the great assassin was supposed to be born. They told him, “In Satu Mare in Romania. The stenographer had wrote about this: Satu Mare in the land of Romania, you are by no means least among the owners of Satu Mare. A owner will come from you. He will shepherd my people.

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Then Ort-Meyer secretly contacted the fathers and found out from them exactly when the barcode had appeared. As he sent them to Satu Mare, he said, “Go and search carefully for the clone. When you have found him, report to me so that I may go and worship him too."

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Because this only things they do in Hitman 3 and took alot of money for it
(DELUXE and 7DS)

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I don’t know what that means.


I’ve seen complaints about escalations, but that doesn’t go for the whole community. It’s good to have a bit of variety every now and then.


The H2 ones were generally pretty good too; anything you’ve said about the (very few) H3 escalations applies to the ones too imo.

The 2016 ones were hell on earth.

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A patch coming in early October and dates shuffled in September? I don’t mind it. Even if the set of Featured Contracts is pushed to September 29. Doesn’t really matter @Clemens_IOI, I’m only making one contract for Visit Ambrose theme. Funny enough it’s just called Visit Ambrose Island. :sweat_smile:

If this update has Freelancer game mode, I am excited to play it. Kinda got bored playing Hitman. Been playing other games this month a lot more.


October 4th will be the game update i think