Movies You’ve Only Just Watched

Oh, sure. I’m just saying that if it takes you a while to locate a decent version to watch, you’re not missing out on anything too crucial.

True, but the scenes that aren’t present in the American version don’t really have the same resonance today that they would have being viewed way back when. It’s more filler than anything. The American version adds more in than it takes out.

And this is not to disrespect the message being made with what was in the original version, it’s just that all the talk I’d heard about the original version that was so much better than the American butchered version, that I was expecting something significantly different and spectacular, and it’s really just a few more scenes of people talking about things viewers of the American version already know is going on, or scenes of more people dying of radiation burns.

I was expecting far more from the original version when I saw it, but it was more like an extended version of the Japanese scenes already in the version I’d seen, and without the Steve Martin commentary during the attack, it seemed if anything that it had less than more. To me.


Ok, haven’t seen it yet, but I’m hoping someone here has see Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City (stupid title, btw). Anyone who has, while I know that the director said there are no Tyrants in the movie (stupid decision, btw), can someone tell me if there are at least some honest-to-God Hunters in the movie and not just Lickers.


This was a very good read. Didnt know Van Damme was such a diva and a cokehead haha! So many things going wrong and they still managed to finish the movie is an impressive thing!


Honestly, I have no clue what the appropriate thread would be to put this information, but the Spider Man: No Way Home soundtrack has leaked and is in the wild.

While Sony and Kevin Feige are sniping down these leaks at a pace where they are hard to obtain and hear. They are also very spoiler heavy. I say this cause I had the displeasure or pleasure (depending on how you view it) to hear the said score that leaked.

I’m not gonna confirm anything since the film is coming out soon and the hype surrounding it is up to par with endgame atleast in my opinion. Just take this as a warning while using the internet.


The soundtrack has spoilers in it?


Probably the titles. Like “___ Dies” as the title of the track that plays when a certain character dies, or something like that. My guess.


I forgot that’s how alot of scores are titled. Thanks. It’s 5am here and I haven’t had my coffee yet.


Hey, could be worse: it could be 3AM and you could be lonely .

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Tracks are numbered, it’s a controlled leak. But Track 19 is a big focus point that people who listened to it.

I’ll simply say this but mark it with Spoilers and various Hide details so I’m not liable if you spoil yourself.

Spoilers Ahead
Super Serious Spoilers Coming
Last Chance
Fine I warned you
The ☕️
Ok Last One I Promise

Tobeys theme and the amazing spider man’s theme is in track 19

no comment no home no way - YouTube this is something I threw together so Kevin doesn’t snipe me down

So take this information how you may, just Sony/Marvel have been striking this stuff down which confirms the legitimacy of this leak.


All the spider news made me rewatch some of the other ones, my unofficial ranking of the recent ones I watched (excluded 3rd Raimi, TASM 2, I don’t want to watch it yet, and Far from home, not on Netflix) :

  1. Samuel Ramuel’s Human Spider Second the sequel (In Netflix when just 2 weeks ago it wasn’t, finally I can complete the trilogy).

  2. Samuel Ramuel’s The Human spider

  3. Extraordinary humanoid arachnid

  4. Home trilogy part 1

2nd Raimi was undoubtedly the best movie, but I enjoyed the 3rd most for some reason. TASM was surprisingly good, wondered why people hate it. I didn’t enjoy Homecoming as much as the others , not sure why. Hopefully the newest one will be the best one of all.


If certain spider rumors about certain spider actors are true, then it would probably also mean that the main themes from those actors movies would be intertwined into the score, as a callback. And fans would know it when they hear it.


I saw Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City over the weekend. I don’t think I can say it was good but I absolutely loved it! I think it captured the camp and schlock of the early games really well. There were references everywhere, including to some spin off games, and it mainly felt almost like watching a cut down and combined play through of the first two games; some scenes almost seemed like they were just upscaled shots from the games. Those scenes were great by the way and there some slight twists but if you know the first two games you generally know the story.

Yes, unfortunately, some monsters didn’t make the cut but they probably would have bogged down the movie either by trying to cram way too much into under the 2 hour runtime or by increasing it by 20-30 minutes and making it too long in the process.

The performances were good and it seemed like all the actors enjoyed being there. The director wants to adapt Code Veronica and RE4 in the future and Chris’ actor wants to punch boulders so I hope they get to do a sequel or two. All in all it was a fun time.

Personal highlights included: “it’s a Jill sandwich now” and deus ex rocket launcher striking again. :joy: There were so many references, though, it almost requires multiple viewings on that alone.

I thought so too going in but the title card transition was so slick I’m okay with it now.


I’d have preferred then that they leave out some monsters, like Lickers, and bring in some that need attention, like Hunters, therefore not messing with the runtime.


Yeah I dont get why Lickers are so popular tbh, i think their design is kinda boring and they are just not as dangerous as the Hunters.

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I actually couldn’t even remember what Hunters were until you posted the picture. Then, I was like, “Ohhhhhhh! THOSE bastards!”

Anyway, they really only (sort of) focus on one monster and it’s not Lickers (though they are there). Should (a) sequel(s) happen, there’s plenty of room for (some) monsters that didn’t make the cut in this one.

Tbh, my only real gripe is that Kaya Scodelario didn’t wear her hair in a ponytail. Otherwise, I thought she looked a lot like Claire.


Tonight I felt special.
I saw the new West Side Story two days before its release (at an advance screening! Thanks to some complimentary tickets from my program!)

I really enjoyed it! I’d never seen the original or the stage play, so it was my first exposure to it.

Ooh, the set design, the choreography, and the music were fantastic. I’ve got some stuck in my head already.
The romance between Tony and Maria was so cute.

There is one issue I have with it, that makes a bit of sense if viewed from the right angle, but it still bothers me…

This show is essentially a modern American retelling of Romeo and Juliet, set in 1950s New York City. At one point in the plot, the Sharks and Jets have a big fight Bernardo kills the Jets leader. In a fit of rage, Tony kills Bernardo for revenge for his friend. Bernardo is Maria’s brother. And despite confronting him later with her grief, pounding on Tony’s chest, she forgives him and begins to make love to him in the span of a minute. I get how it relates to the events of R&J, but in that modern context it felt really messed up.
I think there wasn’t enough elaboration on Bernardo and Maria’s relationship, given her swift acceptance of his death and willingness to devote herself to her brother’s killer.

Apart from that, the rest of the film was a lot of great fun. Its well worth a watch if you’re a fan of musicals.


I don’t think it’s any different in 1950s New York or 1300s Verona. When kids are in love that is the end of all reason. I didn’t live in either of those two times obviously, but I was a kid once too, and the things my high school sweetheart and I did had little to no logic behind them other than we were in love and we thought that’s all that mattered.

Remember too that the original material was much funnier than any of us give it credit for. Shakespeare was down right raunchy. With all that laughter you get away with plot points that maybe not everyone would find easy to believe.

Really cool you got to see it early though! I’m glad you liked it!!!


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Upcoming Movies Thread

I watched No Way Home at the cinema, I spent most of the day out but I’m finally back home.
I managed to get decent seats by the back, it was packed at the front.
As for the film, I’ll use a vague term - great.
Nobody wants spoilers so I’m not going to even go that way.


yeah, just saw it too. it wasn’t really about much but it was fun.