Movies You’ve Only Just Watched

you take that back. she’s adorable!

Just finished watching The VelociPastor. It’s awful, but a fun watch if you like campy movies. A priest who can transform into a dinosaur tries to clean up the town of pimps and drug dealers, and ends up fighting ninjas for reasons.


Back on my bullshit with RED 2. This was filmed after Weeds came to an end so let’s see if MLP’s acting has improved any :stuck_out_tongue:



OMG Watched this on a bad movie night, so good haha!

I Care A lot.

Rosamund Pike plays a woman with a super elaborate con. She has a doctor and an old folks home on her payroll that help her gain guardianship of wealthy people who don’t actually need guardians. Then she bleeds them of their wealth. Unfortunately for her, one of the women she gains guardianship of, a woman she believes to be very wealthy and without any family, is actually the mother of a mean ass Russian gangster played by Peter Kinkledge.

It’s 100% worth your time.


Just watched that last night. :+1:

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Huh, saw that on Amazon Prime but didn’t wanna invest my time into a film that could go either way. Will give it a watch then :+1:

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One of my new favourite Youtubers, Kennie JD did a fantastic review of it:

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Were you there for the rat saga? Omg. :joy:

I just got into her channel about 2 weeks ago so I don’t know what that is but she’s hilarious

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A few months ago she found a rat just boldly hanging out in her kitchen, not even afraid of human. It looked her dead in the face and just stayed there. She spent a lot of time trying to catch it, lol. She named it, but I forget the name.

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Wrong thread I know, but feels more appropriate her than the TV discussion thread :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I just finished NORMAL PEOPLE a limited run series about a pair from Ireland and there romance as they weave through each others lives. It’s just the kind of story I love, romance with a big serving of heartbreak. Really reminds me of my favourite book, Replay. I won’t spoil anything but it goes over a fair range of heavy subjects and doesn’t pull it’s punches. But god it’s good. Highly highly recommend :green_heart: on BBC iPlayer for anyone in the UK


my wife adores that show. from what little i’ve seen of it, i enjoyed the understated performances.

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Evil Dead - Evil Dead 2 - Army Of Darkness

I revisit these three films every few years and simply watch them back to back due to if you splice all the films together and cut out the recaps for ED2/AoD you get a pretty seamless experience that I recommend people to try out if you get the opportunity.

Campbell always delivers in his performances and he remains one of my favorite actors in the horror genre.


One of Pacino’s earlier films. I enjoyed this one throughly and is one of the few biographical films I actually recommend watching. It’s not for everyone and can be viewed as slow since action really isn’t the focal point for this cop/crime drama based on real events.


all great movies; serpico and evil dead 2 in particular.

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We watched Adventures in Babysitting last night and hoo wow some of those plot beats did not stand up (the little girl getting upset when her brother said Thor was a homo, Anthony Rapp trying to cop a feel on a girl sleeping in the car next to him, white kids who can’t sing suddenly becoming the crowd favourite at the blues bar) but it overall pretty fun. Seeing the way Toronto used to look as it was masquerading as Chicago was amazing as was the way that Elisabeth Shue kept her cool through a lot of bullshit.


I bought the book this tv series is based on last year but havent started it yet. Seeing now you liked it, i might actually start reading it. Thanks for reminding me. :smile:

Parker. It’s newly added to Netflix (US). It’s from 2013 and is your stereotypical Jason Statham movie. This time he’s a thief and gets worked over by his thief friends and must get revenge. Nick Nolte plays an older thief who’s mostly out of the game and Jennifer Lopez plays a real estate agent who gets caught up in the middle of everything. It’s also got Wendal Pierce (Bunk from The Wire) and whoever the guy is who starred in The Shield.

It’s worth your time if you like those kind of movies.

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My best memory regarding Jason Statham was how a friend of mine’s father legitimately thought he was Bruce Willis. He thought he either had really good makeup, or he’d gotten facial surgery. The worst part is that he refused to accept it wasn’t Willis. He insisted it had to be him, because they “look almost the same”.

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