New Roadmap: Season of the Luck


rfid taser? So ioi do accept advice that add non-exist item?


Why won’t they, it’s just to make some codes, not to create nuclear


:astonished: :smiling_imp:


The Fixer! Finally! Also The Broker is pretty nice for me, failed him on Year 3 and missed on Year 4.


The only upside to this is the potential to get some fresh stats on the failure rate for the Fixer.


Fixer aside, not a bad selection of ET’s. Nice to see ET Galore back, which I predicted at the start of the year because…well…they have a pattern. Bit of a weird choice to split them up into two, but whatever. I can take it or leave that.

Nice to see the twitch drops getting a bundles unlock. Get ready for four hours of twitch viewing folks (potentially).

The RFID Triggered Taser is…interesting. It’ll still suffer from the same issue as the RFID explosive in that it just adds an unneccessary process to killing your target (the picking up a coin and walking past the taser relies on waiting around, and by the time you do this, you’ll knowe routines and know other ways of killing targets quicker, even with other taser items like the proximity taser, so it’s neither fast, nor useful), but at least it’ll be an accident kill instead of breaking S/A AND require water/ oil to work, so I can totally see it being used in an extremely specific niche somewhere.


have io posted this on any of their social medias or released a blog because I can’t find anything else about this roadmap anywhere

its only visible in the actual game right now
nice profile pic btw


The ET galore was split into 2 last year too

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I thought it was all at once? Perhaps i’m misremembering then?


That explains why I haven’t seen it thanks

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I like your profile picture, hombre.


Yes, The Fixer at last. I’ve been waiting on his ass, and this time, I’m gonna do it right. A knife blade is going into his heart this time, and that’s the gospel truth.

Not really anything else special, though.


2 batches… may the curators reveal themselves?

Sweet! New unlocks are always welcome.

Except for the Lee Hong Derivation which is deluxe and i could never complete the last tier and unlock the briefcase :confused:

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Looks good.
Better yet: it makes me hopeful for Year 5 in general

The Fixer will stress me out.
Durian and Easter Egg it certainly will be.

A bit surprised by the Galore being the major Event for it.
It’s clearly “just” a break of the usual Winter roadmap.

Because the production work made on community returns and wishlist made since August is starting to arrive.
A new Elusive Target track.
New original items,

So a roadmap reset and restart for Year 5 is honest.

I appreciate the RFID coming back. It’s promising for great things in Year 5. I asked for “new puzzle item” and “acknowledgment of RFID and EMP” for the majority of Year 4. So thanks on that.

Glad to see my “General Whishlist: have unlocks be items with original combinations of the existing items properties, not just reskins” topic be made reality. Even more with one of its headline of the RFID. I will be waiting for the future EMP item eagerly.
(even though none of my item ideas for it were made :stuck_out_tongue: , truly “I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess”)

The fact that it’s a suspicious item does seems absurd in design to me though.

And I can’t hate on the Manakin-Neko explosive, yes it’s a reskin, and silly. But it’s thematic, and in addition to the more puzzle-serious item.
This is the kind of “best of both world” that I appreciate and welcome.


Oh yeah the infamous Fixer. The hardest and most failed Elusive Target ever. Oh and here’s a rhetorical question for you: "How do you never get to Carnegie Hall? Don’t Practice, Don’t Practice, Don’t Practice.” I say that cause there’s no arcade for The Fixer.


Yay, ET Galore! Hopefully now I’ll at least have a bit more motivation to get maaaany of those “missed” ETs last year I just wasn’t busy playing Hitman at the time…

Still, Kind of a… standard roadmap. People making claims of a 20th anniversary bonus or potentially in 2026 a 10-year celebration for HITMAN WOA might be dreaming a little too big? But I hope I’m wrong.

The Big Ticket Item for March is I’m sure going to be the PSVR2 showcase, though hopefully PC people get details on improvements coming to that eventually…

IDK, we’ll see!


i appreciate the RFID taser is new but it’s way too situational for me to get excited about. and the cat must be the 500th reskinned proximity explosive so far, come on :sob::sob::sob: