Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Well, someone has to represent the Switch version!

We get to play each other’s contracts at the very least too. It’s unfortunate that every time I see a cool contract, it’s for another platform! That’s the beauty of featured contracts too - we get to experience other cool creations!

absolutely. that is the beauty of featured contracts.

Contract ID: 2-03-5441366-63
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: IlikeHitman
Contract title: Like real pirates
Location: Sapienza


Brief description:

This is another contract where you start at the ruins and do some cannon kills. There are already a lot of them, but I couldn’t come up with something more original and the idea was planned out long before this theme even started, so I hope my briefing and target selecion make it stand out. :smile:

The main challenge represents the cannon kills. The targets aren’t directly in the cannons’ line of sight, which makes them tricky to kill. For the gardener, Silvio is in the way so you need to either panic him or wait until he stops playing golf and then do a bullet distraction for the gardener. The guards are out of the range of bullet distractions and the trick is to lure them with another cannon explosion first. The other targets help at making the routing smoother, as you have what to do while waiting for the cannon kills. Also, as a small tip, shooting the cannons with a firearm allows these explosion kills to be done from distance, on your way to the top of the ruins (which not only saves time because a target is there, but also saves you from potentially getting spotted by the guards investigating the explosions). :wink:

Featured Contract Image suggestion:

If anyone’s interested, here’s my approach:


Dude you can edit your posts


Contract ID: 2-02-2564280-24

Platform: PS5

Submitter name: Dodarkillen

Contract Title: The God, The Pirate, The Magician

Briefing: Yaaaarghh Jarl 47, I have lost my treasure to these bodyguard’s after the raided my ship. Please help me retrive my suits and speedboat, make sure to kill the bozo’s guarding them. I will award you with your own parrot when this is done! Yaaarghh Away Jarl 47

Brief Description: 3 kills in diffrent suits, medium difficulty. (Clone targets)

Location: Paris

Featured Contract Image suggestion:

Make it better if yall can

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too late):, well what can you do

yep. all that is left now is to see who got featured. really excited to see if one of my submissions made the cut.

There is something like 93 submissions. It’s a record.
Clemens, you have two days to test them.


yeah there is a lot. also heard that most contracts are picked through a lottery style. so it’s up to chance. not unless there is a misunderstanding and there are people who test these levels.

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:joy: Nah, that’s just a joke/meme! Probably. Though, with the shear volume of submissions, who knows? :face_with_monocle:


I still stand by my theory that Clemens drafts a short list from the submissions that he likes, finds interesting, loves the premise, etc. and plays only those to get the final list. How big that list is, only Clemens knows.


Rather, it starts testing not after the end of submissions


lot of PlayStation players threw their hats in the ring.

I kind of maybe feel like in the future there should be a limit on how many submissions each user gets. Like, two.

Don’t know what inspired so much involvement this round. Maybe summertime = more free time for many.

that and the whole pirate idea. either way it’s great to see so many inspired fans.

Nah, can’t ever be enough! :smiley:


too many good ideas.


7 more and it was good to reach a century
I am happy this time PS4 is leading the list of submission.
Next time let everyone of us try for 100. :smiley:

Update: The Pirate banner flag is still hoisted in this ship, Captain @Urben :pirate_flag:- please lower it down (as seen in my incognito browser)


For myself, I prefer to focus on one contract for submission. It’s generally laws of diminishing returns, and I’m most likely creating a number of mediocre contracts.

However, if someone finds their muse, by all means, run with it. That’s what happened to me, I focused a contract around the treasure map and buried treasure, but created a second contract to poke fun of the mod tools used by HMF for contracts and the in-game avatar of Urben.

If you do, you run the risk that a great contract you created gets overlooked with another contract that isn’t as good (I’ll be seriously surprised if The Mods Must Stop! Gets picked as Pieces of Eight is the better contract for my submissions).


THE MODS MUST STOP the one that needs to be featured
Chapter 1 of 1
The sun was covered in fog and rain had covered the street’s and all hope of a good day was lost, untill… I saw the “The mods must stop” contract and my heart stopped, it was like a good hamburger that is not too sweet and not too salt but just perfect. The sun came out from the fog and warm weather came pouring down like the rain before it. This contract had everything: A intriguing story of a poor Clemens making the best of the situation he is in and making it out a bigger man than before, a comedic but yet sadistic target with “Urben” making use of a easter egg to make the spiciest target on here, a great kill condition for some late night slicing. My eyes got wet and i felt a feeling i never felt before… The precance of a god. Clemens please for all that is good, FEATURE THIS.

Notes from the writer
To clarify I dont know the creator and if my speech ruined there chance to get featured i will attened my execution. No joke this one is good.
@Canucklehead thank him for this blessing

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