QuickMod - a mod manager for Hitman 2 and 3

every time i try and import a mod i get this error message

okay i got that figured out but…

When it asks you to select the HITMAN3 folder you need to select the HITMAN3 folder, not the Runtime folder.

Are you running QuickMod from its folder in Explorer?

Yes, is that a problem?

Edit: I reset QuickMod and now it works.

okay i put it in the just normal HITMAN3 folder and it still isnt working os it may just be the mod ;/

i dont even what

You may need to run QuickMod as administrator. Do you have an antivirus/parental controls/other permission software?

Ive already run it as admin and i have malwarebytes installed

Try putting QuickMod and the RPKG you’re trying to add in Documents. Also, make sure to run it from its folder in Explorer.

I tried to download the “Offline Experience Refined” from the Mod Explorer but every time I try it gives me this error message. How would I go about fixing this?

I just tested and had no problems. Are you running QuickMod.exe from its folder in Explorer?

Yep, I don’t even have a desktop shortcut for it. Also, when I import mods to QuickMod, are they supposed to be in Runtime already or not? Second question completely unrelated to the other problem.

They probably shouldn’t be in Runtime, as QM overwrites anything past 100. Importing just copies the RPKG to a folder for QuickMod to manage.

Do you have Node.js or Electron installed already?

No, I do not have Node.js or Electron installed.

I have no idea what’s wrong then. Try running QuickMod as administrator?

Already did, and I also have uninstalled and reinstalled, tried it with and without deleting the appdata folder for QM.

Odd, because it’s saying that a png is causing this issue.

It’s saying it can’t find the mod PNG in the staging folder. Can you check if QuickMod\resources\app\staging exists?

I couldn’t find the “mod.png” file. Could you possibly send a download link so I can put it in staging? That may fix it.