The Seven Deadly Sins Collection | General Discussion

I think that the DLC highlights that we all have different play styles. The different escalations really fed into that and I think every reviewer I’ve seen really liked some, really didn’t like others, and was in the middle on the rest.

I am a player that hates speed. I hate to be rushed and I hate to be forced. I take my time and I am methodical whenever I can be. Lust and Sloth were tailor made for players like me who want to just drink in the level and take our time.

Some players hate the stealth aspects and want to play the game more like a shooter. Wrath is your level and you can go ham if you want and never worry about losing your precious “SA” status.

Some players go for the speed and they try to do their stuff in as little time as possible. Envy is yours.

Some are just general players and don’t get into the different play styles at all. They just want to spend some time in a different world and escape from reality. Greed and Pride are on tap for you.

Some players are tired of the restrictions of never hurting anyone but the target. They want to play the game more like a psycho than a reserved killer so Gluttony is where it’s at.

All in all, there was something for everyone in these 7 escalations but where some levels were ideal for certain players, they no doubt hated others. I couldn’t get into Envy and had to force myself to finish it. I played Lust over and over and over. Others have expressed the same sentiments for other levels. I think, in general, IOI did a really decent job with this DLC as a whole, even if I may not have enjoyed certain missions.

I’m looking forward to what comes in 2022.


since the hitman 1 ets are done they might do the undying et the santa fortuna et and whittion creek et sorry if i spelled wrong btw looking forward to more content in 2022


Now with all Sins are released…

What Sin is the best overall?
  • Greed
  • Pride
  • Sloth
  • Lust
  • Gluttony
  • Envy
  • Wrath

0 voters

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All of the roadmaps for comparison


i dont know what you mean by overall, i interpreted it as the sin + roadmap. and though i prefer envy and wrath lust takes the cake for best sin and best season of sin overal


You got this right, yes.
By overall I mean the whole Sin: the mission, the roadmap, the Elusive, the unlocks and one’s personal impression on given Sin and so on


I haven’t played all of them but I enjoyed Sloth the most, I think mostly because of the funny voice actor :sweat_smile: But I also enjoyed that it wasn’t rushed at all, the whole feeling of staying calm was very cool!


be me
tries to complete all sloth challenges
has to absolutely bum rush every target and utilize several speedrun tactics

kinda funny how you become the opposite of sloth once you start completing challenges

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Hello! I’ve been meaning to do this ranking since The Iconoclast came out, but with Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Deadly Elusive Targets were revealed and I wanted to do a ranking! This’ll show my personal bias, sure, and my opinion isn’t necessarily the most needed right now, but I really wanted to share this with you all!

  1. The Ascensionist - Definitely very biased. I love Allison so much! The map in Dubai was great, as it only altered ways of getting in without necessarily getting rid of the routes. There are also so many kill opportunities, from the elevator shaft, to her drink, to anywhere in the conference room, or the penthouse suite! This was a solid Elusive Target and definitely my favorite out of the Seven! The story was also cool, and the fact that she can see through your suit disguise definitely made SASO more challenging, teehee…
  2. The Procurers - Double ETs have a soft spot in my heart, and this is no exception! The kill opportunities, and the contrast between targets were amazing. When they met up, there was a chance the ET broke, but a restart wasn’t too detrimental. I enjoyed running around the map, looking for a way to kill them. It was all but shocking…
  3. The Collector - Dartmoor’s been amazing in terms of ETs, and Kody Haynes definitely is good. I only put him under the procurers since I attempted speedrunning The Collector and lost my SA rating since screwdrivers through the air are suspicious, but the idea of him slowly getting into the mansion to retrieve the painting of Sisal Bardu. I wanted to follow him around but I had no time.
  4. The Liability - Unpopular opinion, I enjoyed the liability. I enjoyed the fact that you were advised not to take out the club guide, and it felt really nice when he was taken out via disco ball accident. It also made use of my favorite spot in Berlin: the juice bar area, and not the biker hangout (not saying the biker hangout is bad, it’s just it would’ve been less freelance since there would be a lot of guards).
  5. The Heartbreaker - This only goes above the other two because of the story. The story was immaculate and the fact that you can drive Michelle and Phoebe away via scrapbook was interesting. His route wasn’t the fanciest but it still allowed for some opportunities.
  6. The Iconoclast - Joanne Bayswater wasn’t a bad Elusive Target, she was just a bit forgettable (to me, of course, to others she might be queen). I think that the one opportunity I discovered also wasn’t solid, but granted, I don’t remember much from her. I remember killing her in the theatre with an axe.
  7. The Rage - Definite last pick. Since this was the last of the sins, I’d expect there would be an all out brawl (pun intended). I thought that you could trigger a fight ring area, and then the Rage would sit back counting his money or something, and then you could fiber wire him. I thought you would get into a fight like you do with guards since he’s a heavyweight champion. The street guard disguise was so unneeded since you couldn’t enter the area where street guards were that I just did it SASO Poison. Also, the coke opportunity was very lackluster for our final 7DS Elusive. The dealer opportunity was also less solid. I tried everything, I tried guiding the woman down to where Sully walks over and maybe they’d argue and he’d eventually show us why he’s called the Rage. I tried knocking out the woman, meeting him with the cocaine brick, I tried everything but nothing worked. Props to them using the streets area, though, I liked seeing it instead of being coped up in the Block or the ICA Facility.

this is an excellent idea that i will steal because i love all 8 of these fiendish fuckers both in terms of lore and gameplay.

my ranking of the elusives will be based both on lore and gameplay, so without further ado, my ranking of the 7 deadly sins elusive targets:

1. The Procurers: god i love these two, they both have great but simple routes and excellent backstories. Jack has a great little route utilizing dartmoors lower floor and kitchen a bit more and has a great backstory of being so obsessed with a cuisine that it takes a dark turn when he accidentily kills his wife. Robert, the dweller of the two, has a really quite sad backstory and awesome design with a fun nod to gluttony with his smoking addiction. his route is also great and the fact that both targets meetup is awesome aswell, though it leads to a kill thats far too easy.

2. The Ascensionist: Allison Moretta has one of the greatests routes and ideas for an elusive target. her being a super enforcer adds challenge in a natural good way and her extraction is slow so you don’t get blindsided when she starts heading for an exit. Her backstory is awesome and the fact that you kill her when shes on the precipice of achieving her dream is incredible. i also really loved how i managed to kill her, because it felt super rewarding and fun.

3. The Rage: Hi can i get a good route for this daddy, im sorry i mean daddy im sorry i mean daddy im sorry i mean daddy im sorry i mean daddy i-

4. The Collector: The very first hitman 3 elusive target was quite a good one, an extensive route involving a disguise change and an extraction if he manages to get the painting from the office himself. a decent but kind of cliche backstory of an obsessive collector, the only detail i really liked from his backstory is that he only married to rob his wife of all her money so he could collect more. and the a secondary objective thats optional but actually required to get a 5 star silent assassin. is what let this target down somewhat, but all in all great first showing.

5. The Liability: 10 minute Terry has to have my favorite backstory of all the hitman 3 elusive targets, the way the concept of sloth that has been explored here is incredible. Someone thats so incredibly lazy because he never got told to do better or to work harder and that hes always been praised for his actions is such a good way to interpret sloth. the way gameplay also ties into sloth is great too with him starting under a disco ball for those players too lazy to find a fun route for themselves and just want to get it over with. but that same disco ball, lacking route and his useless secondary objective drop him down to number 5.

6. The Hearbreaker: Loved the concept of a freudian bisexual wedding planner killing partners and dating the other half but in execution its not that well done. the scrap book oppurtunity is cool but philos route is kind-of forgettable and most of his dialogue is quite cliche and doesn’t telll you much about his character. best part of this et is the cute couple he escorts around.

7. The Iconoclast: wow double mendoza at the bottom of the list, Joanne is just forgettable. a basic backstory of a rival assassin thats too full of herself a route thats even more basic and a poisoning oppurtunity that didnt work. The fact the sniper oppurtunity worked was cool though. and even though shes at the bottom of this list shes still far superior to most other elusive targets. as hitman 3 has by far the best ets out of the trilogy, most feeling like special assignments and some, like ascensionist and procurers feeling like bare-bones bonus missions


You all made me look back at the ETs, and made me realise, in the original release plan Envy was the last act, Wrath second to last.

It would have made the Ascensionist the last of the seven sin themed ET to release.
It indeed would have been a better climax to them all, as much a I can like the Rage as a one off-gimmick ET.

The Ascensionist seems to be one of the more in depth work of them all.
The whole map is used. a large number of NPCs were added or saw their routine changed.
Also, and like the Collector (the second best one for me), the target doesn’t really have a loop, but a route.
And I love it.

Speaking of ET routine, a bit of a question to everyone concerning the Liability : did anyone saw the Liability use his full route ?
Anyone saw him do the tour from the juice bar to the bathroom, but who realised that after he does it three time he goes inside the club ? I didn’t.
Apparently he will walk on the skywalk and you can eliminate him with the DJ opportunity if you wait enough.
I mean, everyone killed him before that, isn’t it.

Otherwise for me it’s :

  • 1 - The Ascentionnist (I love single use routine, and the opportunities are clear and defined without being too on the nose - like the famous chef have a way to serve guests, but only the target’s mark)
  • 2 - The Collector (same, him changing his outfit and deceiving his own bodyguard is a great twist on the usual formula)
  • 3 - The Rage (I like social manipulation)
  • 4 - The Heartbreaker (I really like social manipulation)
  • 5 - The Procurers (sorry, but for me it was a run of the mile ET, a good proper one, but I won’t ignore my preferences, it’s still a 8/10)
  • 6 - The Liability
  • 7 - The Iconoclast

My list for the Sin ETs are:

1- The Ascensionist- The targets route and potential fail conditions were great along with all the changes from the private bar to the penthouse. Felt like this was one half of a potential Patient Zero bonus mission. Honestly I hope they repurpose her with another Dubai ET (If we get another)

2-Thr Heartbreaker - Honestly will say the The Collector was better but this target…I really wanted to kill him from his picture then his backstory even more (None of the other targets got that from me). Plus the social manipulation aspect I think was the strongest with the wedding couple which gave a fun atmosphere for the map.

3-The Collector- Great route overall and the disguise change felt quite organic and could throw players off. Plus there being a potential time limit to this as well. Quite nice to see an NPC with purpose.

4-The Procurers- Enjoyed the changes to the guard routes and still making the family somewhat used in the map. Plus the effort needed for arranging the target to smoke etc…
Plus two targets always has a fun difficult spike.

5-The Rage - Perfectly honest I would tie this with the Iconoclast but given Medonza has had 2 ETs so this gets a higher rank. Was ok, liked the idea of using the more forgotten area of the streets but was far too restrictive. Liked the E-mail and meeting arrangement albeit not the most interesting one with social manipulation on the list.

6-The Iconoclast - Just a dull route, but enjoyed the ability to get them alone by enquiring about their business, shame there wasn’t more dialogue.

7- The Liability - Feels really run of the mill and not much standing out at all, Compared to the others like not much route or guard changes were around. Still ok but felt like this belonged to the Hitman 1 ETs then anything else. Was there anything which allowed this target to standout?


It was the only target that didn’t let you pick what outfit you would wear while going in, which is why I hated it.


So removed the other starting locations?, If so that was quite bad decision.

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Yes, it was fucked up, and quite enraging. Totally ruined my effort to eliminate all ETs SA without changing disguises without gloves. Hard to do if it doesn’t give you the option to start in a suit with gloves. Plus, I wanted to play each ET location in that location’s special suit, and this one doesn’t let you. Hated it.


Alright, here’s how I would rank the ET:s. I certainly don’t hate any of them, they’re much better overall than what we got in the previous games.

  1. The Ascensionist - She really ascends through the entire map, living up to the code name. A lot of possible kills and funny dialogue. Bonus points also for the creativity of the contract being triggered by a dead man’s switch. Really shows how the ET:s have been improved, she doesn’t immediately go into lockdown when her companion is taken out (looking at you, Järnefelt).
  2. The Procurers - My favorite characters of the bunch, completely different from everything we’ve seen in Hitman before. Double ET:s always bear a special kind of tension, even though this one was easier than the others. The double kill is actually too easy and should have required triggering instead of the opportunity presenting itself on its own. Otherwise very fun.
  3. The Liability - I’m probably the only one to rank this one in top 3. Again, I love the dialogue. The guy is so indolent it’s hilarious. Weird choices to limit the starting locations to three and having him start in an easy kill spot, but this being an ET you can only kill once, I don’t find it a big problem. There are many other ways to tackle this one after all.
  4. The Collector - Not a fan of secondary objectives, though this one was kinda optional. The character is a really interesting one and the route is long, except when he’s trying to steal the painting upstairs. There he roams a relatively small area. The disguise change is a nice curveball.
  5. The Heartbreaker - Never been annoyed by the looks of a video game character as much, definitely someone I’d want to kill. An interesting twist to a serial killer character as well. The scrapbook opportunity was a great idea but the guy certainly loved to avoid possible accidents.
  6. The Iconoclast - What an assassin, can’t even defend herself. A really bland character, gameplaywise quite average. Not much to say because I found this one rather forgettable.
  7. The Rage - I can’t like an ET that’s broken. Apparently the guards aren’t allowed to let in anyone with the same outfit as them. The route and the scripted mini-opportunity are kinda boring, but I like how there are possibilities for many different accidents (poison, electrocution, push, explosion, fire). Ok character as well.

What?! That’s pretty cool. I’ve literally never used it so I no idea…

100% agree. That was my main issue with it.

That’s why I think these are so good, even if I’m not the biggest fan of Greed or Wrath, because they’re so different from anything we’ve seen before and each other. And, if any elusive targets justify the calls to make that game mode permanent, it’s the Hitman III ones.

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I have a feeling it’s the last time Nick’s gonna post here.

Just an FYI; this isn’t helpful discussion.


Three loops if memory serves, then he explores other parts of the nightclub.

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Some of you may be aware of my video series “Child%”; which is where I basically do a run of an ET, and since I have to scope out the ET first to make sure a run is possible (as well as with some help via Offline Elusives). I also edit the TV tropes Elusive Targets Page, so I get to play around with these a bit more than most. The list below isn’t “Best to Worst” but “most to least interesting” because none of them are particularly bad.

In General: These basically feel like mini-special assignments. As in “actually designed to be ET’s instead of scaled-down Bonus Missions”. The right amount of effort, and significantly more effort put into these than prior games’ ET’s (with The Undying basically being an exception because Sean Bean is expensive).

  1. The Ascensionist - The backstory is very Patient Zero-esque, and a little different when it comes to ET backstories, so that’s a nice addition. It plays every card you can imagine from this kind of setup; conning an art collector, meeting a former victim of hers, getting a keycard for the upper floors with her charms. It’s a really fleshed out ET.
  2. The Liability - This one is just really hilarious to me. His route is just littered with accident traps, and it’s fairly easy to kill him. Unlike with “The Iconoclast”, that’s clearly intentional. The infamous disco ball kill, if not an oversight (which it clearly is), isn’t a big deal. For one thing, part of the joy of this game is learning about a character and their overall routine, so killing him 20 seconds into the mission just seems a little against the spirit of it all; bit of an odd complaint to have on a one-time target. That isn’t bad design, ET’s are not made for speedrunning. The one problem I have with this ET is just how long it takes for him to get out of his primary loop; it takes 3-4 loops for him to explore the rest of the nightclub. This makes some sense, as it lets you prepare the DJ tree kill, but his primary loops are not small, so it’s really annoying for it to be triggered. It’s possible there is a trigger for it when you get to the DJ-ing section, but i’ve not triggered it.
  3. The Heartbreaker - This is a weird one. I like the backstory here, and even his routine with the couple is rather lengthy and consistent. The proverbial cutting-the-knot solution lets you give them a scrapbook and they’ll run away in fear. The concept of a wedding being placed at Vinedo yates is honestly inspired. But asides from that…and some questionable lore in his scrapbook (Nila Torvik is married to Scott Sarno?!)…it’s also rather basic. It doesn’t do much different than anything before it.
  4. The Iconoclast - I’m surprised people on here really dislike her, where I found her character lore rather fascinating, as it raises quite a lot more questions than answers (Not the only ET to do this either…). I found the gameplay to be rather basic by contrast. Her loop is fairly small, the apparent poison kill straight-up doesn’t work, and yes, she doesn’t fight back. The game tries to justify this with bringing a bodyguard specifically looking for intruders, and she even mentions not eating anything, lest it be tampered with. My counter to that is that her own briefing shows her to be paranoid of retaliation from her former employers (again, as proven by her comments on the food), so her not fighting back is a little weird. That said, I could apply this complaint to many other targets.
  5. The Procurers - Suffers from a similar problem as “The Iconoclast”; their route is pretty basic, and while the idea is really good, and the backstory is also quite intriguing, it’s rather boring as ET’s go.
  6. The Collector - The semi - optional objective aside (which isn’t even that hard), It’s basically a V2 of “The Stowaway”, but with the added routine of him possibly already being disguised. It makes him harder to nab due to his randomness, but not to the levels of The Bookkeeper, sweet mercy.
  7. The Rage - I’m not going to say this mission is outright broken, but it was very sloppily released. The courtyard area is rife with guards who can see through walls, somehow, the guards and contestants can’t easily be pacified because the game doesn’t let you, and Sully’s loop is quite small. That said, it is one of the more complex animation-wise (beating up a fighter, which is quite cool to see). Other than that, he’s fairly easy to take out as soon as you get into the arcade. I even attempted to start a fistfight with him, and I just decked him in the head initially. I’ve seen that it is possible, just very finnicky to activate. Him being a semi-guard is really quite cool in concept, but the released product is anything but. Easily last, because good concepts only get you so far.