- The Unofficial Lucas Grey Fanclub -

@Mini what sort of momentos do you think 47 would have of Grey? If we’re speculating about whether they’ll add little personal touches to the Fuck Mansion


Well his coat would hang in 47s huge wardrobe for sure. I guess also his watch would be found somewhere.

I don’t think that he would have pictures of him, neither of Diana or anyone else, because I don’t see 47 as someone who’s collecting photos of his friends at home.

And there is a guest room where he actually hides Grey of course, because he’s not dead at all and ready to fight with him side by side and kick some asses! Just let me dream a little :pleading_face::relieved:

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You know, there is this video of a emergency doctor on YouTube, reacting to wounds in red dead redemption 2 and he says head wounds are often not fatal and that people actually can survive them quite often :grin: So never say never!!!



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We were supposed to think Diana was dead in Absolution too and she walked away without a scratch on her. There definitely some parallels to be drawn if they can get John Hopkins back…


Yes :pleading_face: Oh it would be so cool… I mean, they don’t even need to resurrect him, but some flashbacks would also be nice or some little conversations between him and 47 or Diana or Olivia for f…. sake, I want to see more of Grey and Olivia :see_no_evil:

I think with these four they actually made a wonderful and interesting quartet with much potential, especially with 47 as the head of the group and Diana, Grey and Olivia as his allies- everyone with her and his own skills and characteristics. That’s why I never will stop hoping for a comeback of them, in any way.

And I’m a dreamer, so that comes in handy, too :sweat_smile:


I love that he has a revolver there. He has one in the cut scene in the car park too. None in game though )=


Would’ve been amazing an an unlock after Dartmoor, the only revolver in the whole game


@Yacob @Luiluix Do you know what kind of revolver he is using in that cutscene in the parking lot?

lucas Slay is my favorite character in the whole trilogy tbh

It looks a lot like the artist(s) used an all stainless steel .357 magnum revolver with a 4inch barrel and an adjustable rear sight as their inspiration. Lots of companies make one very similar to the one he uses.
Here’s the Smith & Wesson 686

And here is the Ruger GP100

There are 100 others that one could have been based on, S+W and Ruger make tons of variations and then there are many other companies that make a good medium sized revolver as well. About the only thing I can be positive of is that it’s not supposed to be the Colt Python. The pythons have this really distinctive too strap that make them very pretty guns. Here’s one with a 6” barrel as seen in Walking Dead.


They actually made a post on Artstation where you can see the gun pretty well


Thank you so much @Luiluix and @Yacob :heart: I don’t know anything about weapons so it’s interesting to see which one he’s using :relaxed:

But that’s not the one he is using in the Romania cutscene, right? That one looks different….

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That one looks like a Bartoli from the game, probably just a weapon he stole from one of the mercenaries


That looks alot like a generic 9mm semi automatic pistol :joy: . Maybe the artist(s) used a Sig Saur P226 as their guide, or mixed in a little bit from the Beretta 92, or literally any of the hundreds of other examples of metal framed semi-auto pistols. You can see that the grips have screws in them which means the frame (the bottom half) of the gun is not polymer but some sort of metal.
Sig P226

Beretta 92


The Bartolli 75 was modeled after the Beretta Cougar (Beretta 8000),

And I sure do hope we will have some Grey memorabilia in the safehouse.

But above all, I want 47 to have a pet rabbit ! Maybe affectionately named after Grey. “The Shadow Bunny” :grinning:


Yea that’s clearly it! :joy:. I’m not really old enough to know about the Cougar, but I do know about the Beretta Cheetah (only bc Val Kilmer carries one in Heat, and James Reeves has a video about it (he did the video bc Val’s character in heat has one) :joy:


So, in Homecoming cutscene it definitely was a generic bodyguard pistol Bartoli 75 aka Beretta Cougar.

Also Grey briefly uses a generic ICA19 in the Dartmoor cutscene.

Both cases are simply a reuse of the game assets :thinking:

You know it only from Heat? Dodge this!

Apparently full-sized Beretta 92 was too big for Carie-Ann Moss to handle.


:rofl: She was like 5’ 9” 120 lbs. So I guess that’s fair.


Thank you all so much for these weapon informations!

It’s kinda a pity that they changed his revolver to some random weapon many others use in the game. Because the revolver was kinda his signature weapon than :woman_shrugging:

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