Things About Hitman You Just Found Out

Pardon the brief deviation here, but I had a disconnected moment there when reading this sentence, because I swear I read it as the Arkham logo the first time. :neutral_face:


This is a thing about HitmanForum I (we) just found out…

Silvereyes and I have been doing Co-op stuff for a while now, poking each other when we’ve organized a time to play next. (As well as other conversation)

We’ve reached 500 messages in one PM chain, and that’s when the System closes it entirely lmao HUHH?? :roll_eyes:


Well, can’t know for sure, but I agree this is most likely indeed intended and not an oversight like I suspected at first.

Not sure about this one. Sure, they’re maintaining the Ark Legacy, but preserving art is only a fraction of the Society’s projects and activities. I also don’t think they can be considered proper members even in unofficial capacity - after all, the Society is an exclusive club for the rich by the rich. Custodians are just one of many kinds of less privileged people employed to serve their agenda. Their knowledge on the Society also isn’t that impressive - castle staff and elite guards seem to know just as much if not more as they are allowed all the way up top to the councilors’ quarters.

Then again, it all comes to the initial text; “members of the Society” is a pretty vague statement on its own, so not much point arguing about semantics. It’s just puzzling that, according to the text, the Ark Society “members” explain all the Society’s stratas except the one they belong to themselves.


It’s possible, like I said it was never a sure thing especially since the other groups don’t talk much about the Curators as a group at all.

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I had something I found hilarious happen to me last night. I was playing FL variations and I was in holiday hoarders. I saw Santa and I threw a fire extinguisher at him but he teleported just as I was winding up the throw. The extinguisher launched out of my hand at rocket speed and went up through 3 floors and knocked Santa out where he teleported too. Funny I look up in instinct and just see a bunch of people with ? over their heads. :joy_cat::rofl:


Hehehe, that is how this guy person found out the routing back in the day:

Full route:


hahaha nice. I was so bummed I didn’t have my recording software going when it happened to me. Nice someone else captured it and in such detail!


This guard is poison resistant for some reason


Its not that guard in particular, its just that if a certain bug happens where they appear to freeze for a bit during the poison animation. Eventually they’ll reset and become immune until they leave the gassed area and then return.

Is quite a neat XP farm if there is another guard that keeps getting KO’d and you get Silent Takedown XP though.


haha i have hundreds of hours in HC freelancer but it’s the first time I ever seen it. Do you know how to replicate it?

Nah. I’ve found its very luck-based.

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Another funny thing I found in Holiday Hoarders. Apparently alternating between pressing A and D on the keyboard while you mash Q(choke) causes weird things to happen sometimes. I’ve pulled people right through solid objects before doing this but never got shot to the moon. Guard ended up being knocked out on the pavement 3 floors down next to the shed there :joy_cat:


When you’re falling like that - that’s the time to move to get in some OutOfBounds places… You could’ve gotten onto the roof. :grin:

Otherwise, that’s a good demonstration of how to get that to work.


I never even thought to move I was in such awe :joy_cat:

I could probably replicate it again. That was the first time I tried it on that corner.

EDIT: I wonder what would of happened if I didn’t keep choking him and just held him


Messed around with it for about an hour. Did I set a height record for no cheats? :joy_cat::rofl:


Also how I did one of my favourite runs… Santa teleporting weaponized.


Holy hell, that was incredible.

It’s outrageous that you only knocked Santa out in that explosion. Love it.


I just found out arms dealers are really based AF :joy_cat:


So I was doing the Kill Everyone contract on Landslide when I noticed that several NPCs are labelled as wearing unique disguises, but none of them are able to be worn. Maybe they thought having to find so many one-off disguises with no use wouldn’t be fun? Maybe there were other mission stories planned for Landslide that got cut?


I believe this guy gave you an antique sedative syringe when he got KO’d when this mission 1st came out in H1. It was removed from H2.

Edit: ALSO, I’m pretty sure you could take this guy’s disguise back then. It’s a brown suit, right?

Playing Colorado today, suit only. I found out Penelope’s bodyguards seem to take strange paths after you kill her while she’s in the farmhouse. I peek-a-booed her from that room with the server or used a tossed coin to distract her.

If you grab her from around the corner of that double “box” fan and break her neck, her guards will come into the house, then go through that room and see her body (her feet).

If you’re on the other side of the server (I fiberwired her), the guards may come into the house… They seemed to start to come in… then they stopped, did an about-face, then promptly went back outside and out of the yard. I’ve even seen them go through the kitchen…

So they must have some specific scripting probably intended to give the player a break… Just as long as you don’t snap her neck after grabbing her. It’s probably best to KO, move her completely out of view, then snap her neck.