Unpopular opinions about Hitman

it was much easier before they patched the exploit that let 47 be led out by guards when he was caught trespassing and still maintain SASO. i made sure to use it before they axed it. logically, i see why they got rid of it, but it still sucks

Sgail is one of those maps that are seemingly impossible to SASO, but become very very easy once you know how :wink:

I guess Colorado is a bit like that too

I’m not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, since I don’t see it talked about a lot, but briefcases should conceal illegal items.

Maybe that would be a bit too powerful, but it feels just a bit redundant to be given this item that can conceal some key illegal items, yet not able to carry them past frisk points into other public areas. This is mostly related to small illegal items, since I think having a whole secret compartment for a sniper rifle is a bit farfetched.

At least we have the Place Briefcase trick to get around issues like this, but who knows if that’ll still be here this time next year.
I think IOI should make us a frisk-proof briefcase. Give us a secret knife slot or something, c’mooon.


It was the case in the Alpha. You get pass frisk with an illegal item hidden in a briefcase. During the frisk animation, the briefcase disappears before reappearing magically after in 47’s hand.
It seems that frisk was initially coded without taking into account the presence of the briefcase. So, I do believe that concealing illegal item in briefcase wasn’t intentional. It’s mostly an oversight.

I second this. It’s good idea. But I think it’s hard to code specifically which items can be stashed or not. Maybe separate the small items form the large ones (like between the small stashes and large retrieving points) to facilitate this.


The ICA19 Black Lilly looks better then the current Silverballer. That said it’s still a sexy pistol, but I have chosen to stick with the Black Lilly in this play through of the trilogy.


Both Black Lilly and Black Trinity look awesome when compared to the newer Silverballer, wich has losed some of it’s own charm given how many details where removed when compared to the previous incarnations.


ICA19 looks better than any of its black variants. And the new Silverballer is perfectly fine.

Janus and Jorge are actually the most unnerving, out of all the targets in WOA. this isn’t about the things they’ve done, but like how they are, physically. i realize this seems silly, but can you imagine them running at you as fast as possible? that would look terrifying. i think it’s in the way they swing their arms and how hunched over they are when they run idk


I’ve become really fond of the Shortballer myself. I dig the way it looks so it has quickly become my default pistol.



The crow has been felt. Dare I say, feels like a murder.


we should be able to take female npc disguises since crossdressers exist


Okay, hear me out. We know 47 can ham it up when he needs to. AND @Mini just pointed out to me that John Hopkins has an amazing voice.


Conclusion: the boys infiltrate a drag show to eliminate a high end drug dealer who’s been getting the queens addicted to Jorge Franco’s supercocaine.


On one hand I don’t think it suits the mood of this modern iteration of Hitman (but tbf I’ve been praying for a Cassandra Snow convention mission for years now even tho it doesn’t fit the tone either)

On the other hand tho, seeing 47 do a death drop is something I must now have



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And in this show, John Hopkins plays a character called “Mr. Lucas”. Ohh the plot thickens.

Damn he’s got a good voice, but I’m honestly not surprised, given how rich it is.

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The special assignments are pretty decent if you go in with the right mindset

Yes yes I know the spec asses are low effort, glorified elusive target locked behind a misleading paywall BUT they are actually pretty decent if you do not want to camp with the time consuming main mission. I started to appreciate IOG and ABP a lot more since both are reletively short and easy. Playing both is basically a no brainer and super relaxing when you don’t feel like running from A to B in Mumbai or collecting all the clues in Whittleton.

Embrace of the Serpent remains a very lackluster mission and is absolute garbage. I do, however, appreciate the slight change of weather. A silver tongue is nothing special but not bad if you don’t feel like doing the main mission. Also that airstrike easter egg is :kissing::ok_hand:. The unguided opportunity to kill Krish dressed as the Thwack driver is cool. Level changes are minimal, but appreciated.

In conclusion: bad, but not completely awful.


Theyre really undercooked, but if they were just released as elusive targets (as they were originally intended to be) everyone would like them a lot more. except maybe embrace, that mission has super iffy design choices and is very boring


The ones in Mumbai, Miami and WC are passable. Santa Fortuna is total crap.


There are two good examples of a level design strategy that IOI has used that seem to really grate players wrong. A Bitter Pill and the Berlin Egg Hunt are both levels where it appears that the developers intended to do something and then somewhere along the way changed their mind. A Bitter Pill feels like an Elusive Target that was made permanent (and somewhat changed to make less elusive in that he never leaves the house and has a very limited path). Egg Hunt has been guessed by the community to be a full bonus mission that was scaled down to be an escalation based in large part on the decoration inside the club that are not accessible in-mission.

Whenever the players feel like they were about to get something and then that thing was taken away they tend to get wrankled. If a bonus mission is better than an escalation and an elusive target is better than a special assignment, in both cases IOI came close to giving the players something they wanted and ended up giving them something they wanted less.