Unpopular opinions about Hitman

Really? I barely remember any of it’s tracks. I just remember loud inception horn, and that riff they used in the ICA trailers.


Gonna give 'em credit, when this part played during the gameplay reveal, my jaw simply dropped :grin:

Honestly Run For Your Life’s Demo had way better music than what we got in game. They cut out this whole segments music.

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Thing is a part of it is still in the game files, maybe there rest is still there but I simply missed it, it was a nightmare to look through all of 'em :slight_smile:

There is thought. Hardware limitation of the Xbox 360 and PS3 where directly the reason why some levels had to be split up.


We had games like Skyrim, GTA V on old gen consoles. I can simply give Deus Ex Human Revolution as a good example of a game with open areas made for stealth.

Neither of these games had the same level of detail. Absolutions looks great for a 10 year old game, compared to others on the list. Plus we can’t really compare them, different game engines.

Skryrim overall performance on consoles wasn’t anything to write home about.

Plus developors use different tricks to get past limitations. Like Horizon zero dawn only renders what you can see on screen. We can’t just compares game out from our own expatations. IO confirmed long ago that Absolutions was limited by hardware.


Nah, they could have optimized the engine to have open levels, it’s just how they designed the game from the beginning and then had to redesign everything when they heard people were not happy that there would barely be any targets in the game.

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That is just your assumption of how things work. It’s not based on the limit of the hardware available or how glacier 2 worked during development of Absolution.

It’s not based on first hand experience with the engine or developing software for two generation old hardware. We only have IO’s own statement to go by and we have to take that at face value. Applying our own narrative into the mix doesn’t make it true.


The floral baller looks butt ugly


my boi, is this your garden


I actually have a small pond with a bunch of flowers around it in my back yard.


Then why the hate on the Floral Baller?

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It ugly


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you are not worthy of such beauty then :triumph:


You’ve misspelled [insert any RR-themed unlock]


New big opinion:
Rude Ruby isn’t bad because it’s a big block of pink but rather because abbreviating it to RR makes me think of roulette rivals, a year long tale of losing matches by 60 seconds


also known as “skill issue”


The films were good ngl

You are lying though :thinking: /s

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