Year 2 Patch Notes - HITMAN 3

When will the roadmap be available?

They might go back to monthly roadmaps and have one for February since it’s when The Heartbreaker #2 will come out

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random thought: Does cross progression XBox / PC mean taht you can get both the XBox and the PC suit on both systems?

Nah I don’t think it’s possible. Supposedly this PC Game Pass version of the game shares all its traits with Xbox version, meaning their contracts’ IDs start with “3” and should only have the green platform-exclusive suit available.

But I’d assume mods can make all these suits available at least on the PC Game Pass version, you may ask the modders here. :slightly_smiling_face:

LTTP here, but a few bits of info I can share.

A lot of work and ‘fixes’ were done on the Year 2 launch and upcoming content. Naturally, they’re not listed in the patch notes. Of course, we want to keep on making impactful changes and prioritise the fixes that we do make.

Noted. I’ll follow up on that.

Zero audio on that? I’ll make sure that’s flagged. (It might be already, I haven’t specifically checked myself)

I added it to the known issues to give you piece of mind and it’s tracked.

Sad face. This is tracked and will be addressed in future.


Thank you. Hope will be taken care eventually.
One thing I saw just yesterday, is that garage doors in Whittleton Creek still does not react on close/open button.
This is an old bug that appeared in 3.40 or 3.50 update and still hasn’t been fixed.
All garage doors behave the same - you can’t neither close them nor open. They just stay in “default” position.
The most bright example is Nolan Cassidy’s house. Its garage doors are open and I can’t close them neither from inside control panel, nor from outside one. No matter what I do, the doors remain open.
Hope this will be fixed eventually as well


Not zero audio, but extremely muffled audio. Both with silenced and unsilenced pistols.

Is this issue platform-specific or something? I haven’t had a chance to try it out on Epic or Steam yet, but garage doors seem fine (at least on Stadia):

Seems like it is, I don’t know.
My game works like I described on both Epic and Steam

Hi @Travis_IOI, I just wanted to ask if you guys are aware that the game still autoplays the story recap from H3 right after people finish the ICA training missions?

New players will not only have most of the story they’re about to experience spoiled, but it also confuses and convolutes everything unnecessarily. Especially now that the trilogy is out, and many people are going through all three games for the first time.

It’s a shame because I think WOA’s story is a better than what people make it out to be. I think a lot of the negligence of the story comes from the fact that the games and episodes were spread out in the way they were. And a lot of people just wrote it off because they couldn’t bother to follow along or remember the details.

But now there is actually a chance for people to experience the full story. So this bothers me because I really think the story (and IO’s hard work) deserves a fair chance!

Here are some streamers playing the trilogy and encountering the recap (with timestamps):


Any word on when the Dartmoor challenge I Find This Amoosing will be fixed? It’s been unobtainable for months


@Travis_IOI Any plans to include a fix for the Polar Survival Suit (can’t use invitations, can’t be frisked, and trespassing in areas like 47’s hotel room) in the next patch?

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