CHONGQING, China (Mission #4) - Location Discussion

That’s crazy. They’re all instigated in the basement and hard to control. Did he follow you? But if you’re not in create contact mode you can’t tell if he’s one of the 3, because you can’t see their names.

He must’ve been one of three, since he was using the Face of Jeremy Bolt, which only well Jeremy Bolt and one other Guard use and I was sure I’d taken out both, so now it makes sense, that it was instead Martin Brooke.

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Jeremy bolt, LoL! I found him down there like he wasn’t a street guard, he was in a facility guard (masked). Nobody’s buying it man. Some of the street guards may show up, or just him I don’t know. I knocked out most of the surrounding street guards but they could show up too. Oh all of the unconscious facility guards grow masks when you access the data core. That’s a kinda funny contract begging to be made.

Yeah i killed everyone in the facility once then did the data core to see what happens :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: aren’t these guys suits part of the chameleon challenge?

Yeah and he got one Clone, so I was sure I had killed both of them, therefore it must’ve been Martin Brooke.

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Not sure, Lol.

Wouldn’t make much sense though, since they are basically the same Disguise.

You’re kidding me? I wrote down all of their names, I must be mistaken! Those 3 though I originally showed are true no-shows until hush and imogen are dead and the core has been accessed. The contract I made proves it.

I never said you were false. I just said that I saw the Face of Jeremy Bolt, which is not unique. Take a look at my Picture and Martin Brooke. It’s the same NPC Face, not the same NPC.

No I thought Jeremy bolt was in an alleyway in a street guard disguise. But a lot of npc’s share the same face. Contracts will show you that.

I might know a thing about this or two:

Every other map has npc clones littered about. I’m confused how this conversation has taken a turn. Are you sure most npc’s in are chongqing is unique, putting two identical pictures side by side and scrutinizing isn’t analysis. There’s probably only a dozen faces that go into each map and there are 56 people in the facility down there. Chances are people share the same face.

I’m mostly talking about the except same NPC Model. The Faces are a whole other Story, so one I do not care about so much, since Model Replacement for Mods is a possibility, though currently, the only thing possible is a replacement of an NPC Model not individual NPCs.

I’m sorry I don’t know what that means, I’m also drunk so please forgive me. I play on xbox though so I can’t mod. I swear I targeted Jeremy bolt in the basement and he showed up looking like a street guard. But maybe it was another guy.

No need to appologize. Maybe we just got a bit off the Topic with you being well, drunk and me being a bit annoyed at myself for not being able do draw an NPCs Face, even though it’s the Third Try.

There’re three Street Guards Fa Fu, Fa Dai and Boris Something I forgot his last name, who use the same Beard as Bolt’s Model, so maybe you saw him.

One of the street guards aside the restaurant shows up down there is what I’m saying. I’m going to bed now, good morning, good evening and good night.

I have a problem, I think? I wanted to play the mission story “impulse control” but it is not guided. It says I should disguise as a homeless man and than I must go to the block but I don’t know where that is and it isn’t showing? Is that a bug or something?

The block is in a back alley, really close to the missions story reveal where the homeless people are by the fire. There’s a big sign that says the block on it. Next door is an arcade. This is one part that isn’t guided. I guess the game wants you to get the disguise and find the area on your own


Thank you I found it :relaxed:

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Finally finished my SA/SO/PIANO run

After spending hours in an attempt to clear the facility of all guards​:laughing::laughing::laughing:

After fucking this up many times (for hours)
I finally decided to just sneak right around them all and escaped on the Moped

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Anyone know what happens when you yank out both servers on the bottom floor of the Data Facility? Is it just an investigation, or is there any more to the server repaired stuff?