Elusive targets, reruns/new?

Sorry for being quiet, its been a busy summer, and I just came back from Gamescom!
Two questions:

  • What elusive targets rerun would you want see?
  • What new celebrity elusive target would you want to see? (This is just for fun) :smiley:

Looking forward for some insights in what you are missing and what targets you would want.


If I could choose any to return I would say the fixer

  1. Ideally all of them except The Fixer (Heā€™d probably work better as an ETA contract rather than a temporary event, heā€™s too frustrating for people and they frequently catch players out). But if I have to choose favorites, probably The Politician, The Paparazzo, The Broker and The Ascensionist.
  2. Michael Fassbender. Given recent films heā€™s been in, you can probably guess why.

Obviously Iā€™m going to say The Wildcard (Busey) but perhaps Iā€™m expecting too much, so second best would be The Blackhat which hasnā€™t run since 2021.

As for a new Celebrity ET:

  1. David Bateson (I propose the codename: The Impostor) - anyone who says this wouldnā€™t be a hilarious piece of meta is clearly wrong.
  2. Jessica Gunning (Baby Reindeer actress) - someone everybody loves to hate.
  3. Jane Perry (I propose the codename: The Mimic) - given how many voices she does, this, again would be some pretty funny meta.
  4. Colm Feore from Umbrella Academy - not personally that fussed but I wanted to suggest something with broader appeal.
  1. I would have said the Drop but thatā€™s already happening now. I would like the Surgeons (which I assume will be returning anyway) because a) I donā€™t have the white yukata and b) I think itā€™s one of the better 2-target ETs. Also I would say any that have not already run in H3 (a legacy targets mini-season/event maybe?)
  2. Posted some ideas a little bit ago for Harrison Ford and Arnold Schwarzenneger, even if they are completely unrealistic :smile: also second David Bateson.

1.Johnatan Smyth, Prince, Gabriel Santos.
2. Cristiano Ronaldo.(Preferably in the Maldives or New York).


Please get The Fixer backā€¦ But in the ET Arcade (instead of Live) with some tweaked ā€˜complicationsā€™ - since KOā€™ing the currier before he obtained the diamonds resulted in an insta-fail. It could be changed to find the merchant with the diamonds to make it way more complicated (and interesting :smiling_imp: ) instead -if the carrier is KOā€™d too soon (it will also result in a failed objective and thus less than 5 stars)ā€¦ maybe. Perhaps the team could discuss that aspect.

Potential Celebrity ET? I donā€™t knowā€¦ Maybe Gordon Ramsay. I know weā€™ve had a lot of chef ETs but he could have some epic voice lines. :sweat_smile:

Edit: I could list more rerunsā€¦ At work right now. Might edit or repost later with more if I can think of any.


I accidentally missed my first ET ever (except of Gary Busey back in 2016?) but I donā€™t count him strictly because I bought that first HITMAN game slightly after it has depated and didnā€™t know about Elusive Target concept at all, or any other aspect of the game.
I would like The Procurers Year4 (or whatever the correct name is) to be reactivated to fix my stats


Hi Combatglue,

  1. The Wildcard, the Prince (his Arcade version is too irritating for me to enjoy replaying), and the Fixer. Also, the Pharmacist if her route was tweaked so you couldnā€™t kill her as she enters via the gates or that she no longer is ā€œstuckā€ on the top floor (she never leaves, unlike her dialogue indicating urgency), or 47 had restricted starting locations.
    On a side note, Arcade might have longevity if, once you have finished an Arcade, you would unlock either a mode allowing you to kill the target without conditions, or similar to Freelancer, selects a different condition from a curated collection of conditions. The permanent conditions ruin the replayability.
    The Serial Killer could have benefited from ā€œThe Fugitiveā€ mechanic of a pool of people who could be the target.

  2. I do not enjoy real-life people being targets; ā€œThe Undyingā€ had the conceit of many of Sean Beanā€™s roles, so his portrayal added to it, but it was not a requirement. If ā€œThe Undyingā€ was not a celebrity, one could argue that nearly all elusive targets are Undying in the 47 universe due to their repeating structure.

Best regards.

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Literally any of the H1 ones that havenā€™t been re-run over and over since Year 2. So:

The Prince
The Sensation
The Twin
The Black Hat
The Pharmacist
The Fixer
The Identity Thief
The Chef
The Angel of Death
The Blackmailer
The Warlord
The Bookkeeper
The Paparazzo
The Fugitive


One thing that I would say is that the Year 1 version of the targets should be re-run (in the same way that Year 2 versions were re-run in Year 3) so that Steam players who unavoidably missed these targets (as Steam version didnā€™t launch until Year 2) can catch these up on their record.

In fact, when A.N. Other Elusive Target is being re-run, the versions for all Years that target has appeared in should all be live simultaneously so that any players who Missed (rather than Failed) the version for a particular year can have their opportunity to play it.

(In an ideal world weā€™d go even further and have the whole Years thing scrapped entirely, and there would just be one ā€˜listingā€™ for each individual ET.)


Ideally weā€™d make these ETā€™s permanent, but that bridge seems to have a very expensive toll booth IO donā€™t want to pay for and cross.


I will add on the ā€œThe fixer needs to be playable, but not as a ET, arcade is bestā€ pile.

  • There will be backlash if he is released as a proper live ET. The Fixer is a confusing mess objectives wise. He is not using the normal language of the game.
  • He has a lot of automatic failure points. He goes against the current philosophy of the game and what players were taught,
  • Those failure points are from the old way knock out worked. Sedatives were changed after to retain Silent Assassin. And players will not understand why using them as usual is somehow a failure for this one contract.

I want to point out that Travis, previous communication manager, made a similar ask two years ago, will polls.
Itā€™s not all that relevant, since it was put in action, so demands were mostly met, and then moved.
But itā€™s a good additional data point you might be interested in @Combatglue .

As for CelebrET, I would have preference towards actors.
Iā€™m interested in the playful Writing of them as much as the surprise of the person chosen. Actors are more ready for it. More flexible.

I will just say that Giancarlo Esposito worked with Payday.
A subversion of his usual role, for a genuinely affable, fun character, maybe a bit of a fool that overstepped accidentally, over his head and knows it would be fun to see.

Just, please donā€™t have people like the last one. You know why.

I think the term CelebrET should also be embraced.


Absolutely, agreed.

I donā€™t mind if we have to wait for the ā€˜endā€™ of the game and the final WoA patch for this if IOI want to maintain the [now-sagging] fiction that these targets are Elusive and one-off unique events for the time being. However - much like the development of a fully-featured Offline mode - if ETs arenā€™t made permanent and replayable by the time the game ends I think it would be a massive unforced error by IOI that would give me pause for thought when considering whether to buy Project 007.


The Fixer, and The Wild Card.

I donā€™t care if any new ones are ever added again, I just want a chance to take care of The Fixer right (donā€™t alter the parameters), and a chance to do The Wild Card at all. And I know that the cost of the rights, and the accusations against Busey, are not factors, considering the return of Sean Bean for the first and the inclusion of McGregor for the second, so this can happen.

And then they need to be added to Arcade mode, and all the Arcade mode contracts that feature targets with restricted loadouts or a required kill method need to be rerun without those present. And then weā€™re good.

  • Ideally Iā€™d want the reruns to stop altogether and instead have the upcoming ETs being made available permanently in the game (as Special Assignments maybe) once they come out. Adding the Classic challenges to them would also enhance replayability. That would be something to look forward to each month instead of just spending 5 minutes to kill whoeverā€™s being rerun and moving on - the novelty of that wore off ages ago.

  • Some prominent Hitman streamer maybe? A few of them already got featured contracts and this would be more closely related to the game itself than some movie star or musician.


Ah! Finally, we have an official post which is related to the Elusive targets.

First and foremost, the old ETs from 2016 need to be back. Several 2016 ETs havenā€™t been showcased in H3, such as The Sensation, The Blackmailer, The Identity Thief, The Paparazzo, The Prince, The Fixer, The Angel of Death, The Warlord, etc. They are the ones who never appear in ET missions (not included in ETA).

Secondly, we need a kind of NEW route for the ET. I believe that everyone notices that the route for the ET in Year 4 is almost the same as the Year 3ā€™s. The Black Hat, The Twin, The Bookkeeper, and The Fugitive are the ETs who only appear once (in Year 1). I suggest that those usual ETs can be replaced by them.

Furthermore, comparing the number of ETs in H2016 with H2 and H3, we got 26 ETs in H2016 but only 16 ETs in total for H3 (Shame on that). On average, this is only one target for each map. Why donā€™t we open the windows and let some fresh come in?

We need more new ETs. Not only the new celebrity ETs but more normal ETs in different maps. Remember? We still have no ET in Mumbai, New York, Haven Island, and Ambrose Islandā€¦

For me, ET missions should be a challenge for both players and developers. Developers have to make good use of the map resources and make sure every corner has different windows of opportunities for players to do the tricks. Take Paris as an example, The Chef is in the Palace basement, The Forger is on the first floor of the Palace, The Black Hat is in the attic of the Palace and The Sensation is outside the Palace. Every area on the map offers unique possibilities for players to enjoy.

Sadly, the ETs in H2 and H3 lacked the utilisation of map areas. For instance, The Undying only moves around in the Kronstadt Bayside Centre, besides that, we have no targets or opportunities in the paddock or the park; The Revolutionary also explain it, the Delgado mansion and the Delgado coca fields are not used properly.

On the other hand, I would like to see some HITMAN gamers become new celebrity ETs. For example, Atrioc, bigMooney06 or CJ. That should be fun to play. I think that comedians can also be the targets as well, like Nigel Ng or Steven He. I believe there will be interesting sparks from the friction.

Anyway, itā€™s better to have more than two ETs on each map. Who keeps wanting to take down The Liability over and over? Itā€™s almost Year 5!!


Yeah, donā€™t alter the very thing players dislike about the contract!

Re-adding a controversial figure (Busey) because a recent controversial figure was made into a DLC (Conor) does not somehow cancel out the problems of bringing back a controversial figure. It just adds more controversy, and we all know how that went when the former was revealed.

Busey is still controversial, and McGregor is still controversial; they are separate considerations and the latter shouldnā€™t have happened, while the former has aged very poorly.

Some things are best forgotten about; this is one of those times.

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Looks like the only complications that are non-optional are Restricted Loadout and Additional Enforcers. All the kill methods are optional (well, except for some of the levels in The Oroborous and The Ostentatious, but those are special and have levels with no complications too).

Looks like the only one to not have at least one arcade contract with no non-optional restrictions is The Deceivers: both The Dyads and The ClichĆ©s have restricted loadout. Everyone else thatā€™s in the arcade at all seems to have at least one mission with only optional restrictions, unless you want to be picky and say that The Undying isnā€™t the same as The Undying Returns.

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Iā€™ve made a post here listing all the Elusive Targets and how often they have appeared in Hitman 3 as normal ETs, reruns of normal ETs, and in the ET Arcade. So based on that, here is what Iā€™d like to see.

Make ETs permanent: The ETs have lost their elusive nature and appeal given that almost all are already available in the ET Arcade to freely play as many times as someone wants. But it seems that thatā€™s not on the table at this time, so here are some other wishesā€¦

Add new rewards for Year 5 ETs: Itā€™s difficult for experienced players to care about coming back for the live ETs when they have already collected all the rewards for them. A simple set of new challenges such as ā€œComplete 3/6/10 Year 5 ETsā€ with their own new suit rewards would help a lot. Also, adding in challenges for completing an ET on Dubai, Dartmoor, Berlin, Chongqing, and Mendoza with new suit rewards would give the Hitman 3 ETs more appeal, as even though theyā€™ve been ran the most they donā€™t have any unique rewards specific to them.

Select lesser used ETs to bring back in Year 5: The Prince, The Pharmacist, The Identity Thief, The Angel of Death, The Blackmailer, The Paparazzo, The Chef, The Warlord and The Sensation have all appeared in the Arcade but never as normal ETs in Hitman 3. The Black Hat, The Twin, The Bookkeeper, and The Fugitive have appeared as Year 1 ETs but not in Year 2/3/4. Please use more of these ETs in Year 5 instead of the usual batch of legacy ETs who have appeared 3 or 4 times as ETs already. Instead of using The Deceivers, why not use the individual missions of The Congressman and The Guru to change things up?

Make more new ETs: Having just one brand new ET a year to look forward to does not do much to revitalize the ET system. Ideally Iā€™d like to see several new regular ETs in addition to a new Celebrity ET.

Select lesser used maps to make new ETs on: Mumbai, New York, Haven Island, and Ambrose Island do not have a single ET. Miami, Santa Fortuna, Whittleton Creek, Dubai, and Chongqing have only gotten one ET. Iā€™d prefer that new ETs are located on these maps, I was a bit disappointed that The Disruptor uses Isle of Sgail when it already had two other ETs.

Bring back Elusive Target Arcade batches with new rewards: The ET Arcade featured heavily throughout Year 2, but then was largely abandoned in Year 3 and Year 4, just as a way to play the Celebrity ETs as much as you want. It would be nice to get new batches periodically as something ET-related thatā€™s a bit more substantial than single reactivated ETs.

Add in a randomized ET Arcade contract option: My idea for it is having it choose 3 random targets from the dozens that are available and a random complication. With options to make it more difficult like having 5 targets, harder complications (eg No Pacifications instead of 1 Pacification), or even making the complication mandatory instead of optional. Failure has no time limit punishment, and you can either retry the contract or generate a different one. Owning the relevant DLC for Celebrity ETs adds them to the random pool. Maybe even a random weekly contract thatā€™s the same for everyone so they can compete on the leaderboards. Have some challenges for completing X random contracts or X weekly contracts with rewards to work towards unlocking. I feel that this would be an excellent addition to spice up the ET Arcade gameplay.